Chapter 3: Irresistable

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I collapsed on my bed after a long day of touring. Not that I'm complaining. London is wonderful and it was exactly what I thought it would be and more. I got to see a lot of tourist spots and some places that we passed by looked like something out of a classic novel. I was a giddy mass of energy walking around in London. We still had twenty minutes left before we'll be called to board the ship again. There was a cute gift shop near the docks and my parents let me roam in there and I shopped a bit for souviniers that I could give to Ally, Sophie, Mare, Ella and Trina. When I texted that I'm in London they all replied with consecutive gift requests. It's a good thing that I brought some money with me. Some of what they want are a little expensive that was why I wasn't able to buy what I wanted. I saw a cute necklace with a heart shaped british flag as a pendant. Unfortunately, my parents weren't there when I wanted to borrow money from them. In the end, I just took a picture of it. It was pathetic. 

My phone ringed, bringing me out of my reverie. I patted around my bed to find it but I didn't lift my head. The events on the span of two days exhausted me. I needed every energy I have left to survive the next days. 

I answered the phone and placed it on my ear. "Hello?" 

"I bet you could now tell me how London is."  

I smiled at Ally's bluntness. She's really interested about London since we're bookworms and half the time, the setting of those books is London. We both dreamt of coming here and now that one of us is indeed here, the other one decided to live vicariously through the other one.  

"It's absolutely amazing!" Ally laughed at my exclamation. Not that I could blame her. I tend to be a little too... excited at times. We talked more about London and how it went. Obviously, I exclamed at times regarding my opinion about the place and Ally just laughs. I called her out on it a couple of times but she just replied that she missed me. I smiled everytime she said it. It feels good to know that someone misses you and you feel wanted.  

Ally's like that. She knows what to say and when to say it. But this time, I doubt that what she said is just for show or to comfort me. With the way she said it, I know that it's true. Sometimes, I can't help but think that there's no place like home. 

"So tell me mate, what did a bloody git like me missed?" My failed impression of a british dude sent us to fits of laughter. My impression ended up sounding like a squeaky toy instead of a fancy brit. 

When our laughs subsided, she proceeded to tell me about all of our friends' antics. Apparently, Mare is at a cooking camp. That must be the reason why I can't contact her. 

"When is she coming back?"  

It was after a couple of seconds before she answered. "Probably a few days after you do." 

"Oh." I think Ally caught my disappoitment because she chuckled a little. "Don't worry, I think you can still talk to her when she's done with her daily classes."  

I smiled a little at what she said. Maybe I could talk to Mare about my little Tristan problem. She's the only one I could share my guts to like I do with Ally without being judged. I'd talk to Ally but we're both inexperienced at things like this. So my best resort is Mare. 'Cause I know that if I tell this to the other guys, they'll tease me relentlessly.  

"So, is there any reason you're so desperate to talk to her?" I groaned a little when I realized that I cannot avoid Tristan even in tiny conversations like this. 

It's been two days since that Pringles encounter with him and until now, I've managed to avoid even talking about him. But that's the problem. 

I've only managed to avoid talking or seeing him. I couldn't stop thinking of him though. 

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