Chapter 9: Begin Again

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10 years later:

I weaved through the maze of the desks that was scattered around while struggling to balance the mountains of papers I've got.

Mondays were never really my day.

I don't even know why I chose this day to wear stilletos to work. Wearing them just made me conscious of breaking my neck and this does not make me feel beautiful in any way. I should have just agreed to Sophie's idea of relaxing; which is heading over to the nearest bar to have some drinks and scope out the male population. I made a note to call her and accept her invitation.

"Hey! Wait!" I called out to the guy who was inside the closing elevator.

Working in a high-end recording company is not as easy as they make it sound especially if you're just one of the runners. It meant chasing down closing elevator doors and avoiding slippery parts of the marble floor while juggling a stack of reports requested by your bosses.

Luckily, I was able to catch up with this damn elevator. I thanked the guy who held it open for me.

I wish I don't look like I've been through a bad hurricane. I tucked the hairs that escaped my ponytail behind my ears while i waited for the elevator to stop at my level. When it did, I quickly shuffled out and headed to Ms. Channing's office. 

I hope I'm not late or else I'll get chewed out again.

"Dru! Can I talk to you?"

I immediately went in her office, swiftly changing course, before I wake the dragon. 

I knocked on her door and waited for her to wave me in before I pushed it open and went in. God knows she gets pissy whenever someone didn't. And since I'd like to lessen my stress (like that's possible), I'd rather not give her the chance to berate me again.

"You asked for me, ma'am?" 

She didn't spare me a glance, just a wave of her hand, indicating me to sit. Once I did, she looked at me and regarded my bedraggled appearance. She let out a sigh as if to say: "kill me before she embarasses me but I need her so what can I do now?". 

I know. It's crazy. My job's demeaning but somehow I got to make ends meet and this recording company offers the best deal.

"When did you start writing songs, Dru?" She folded her hands together and leaned on her elbows as she regarded me. Her long and sharp red nails looks foreboding somehow.

"Since I was 16, ma'am."  I do not like where this conversation is going.

"And why?"

There it was.

The question I've been dreading and the memories that came with it. The embarassment, anger, heartbreak and the pity I've been getting. Even though years have passed, the mere reminder of my time at that cruise ship and the guy that made it hard to get by all these years. I was stupid enough to actually think that there's someone interested in me for something more than friendship. In reality, I was just entertainment for the bored celebrity. I guess that's what burns the most. The lie. I didn't even question who he was and the way he always seems so secretive about it, too blinded by his smile and how warm and fuzzy he makes me feel. I had to find out through a trashy tabloid naming me his new whore. There wasn't even any communication between us after that. Just "What If's".

I struggled to find an answer that wouldn't give away too much.

"I was a teenage girl looking for an emotional outlet that wouldn't get me in trouble." Seems legit.

Ms. Channing just raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow but decided not to question any further. She stood up, straightened her already straight suit and smoothed her perfectly groomed silver hair.

"It seems that you have attracted attention with your "songs", whether good or bad is yet to be determined." Yeah, I can see that you're impressed. Please, do say more.

She stopped right in front of me and I had to crane my neck to look at her. Sure loves to remind people that she's so above them.

"Are you familiar with John Steven's How To Love a Girl franchise?" 


"Yes..." My words and voice sounded paltry even to my ears. Damn it. No emotion! Don't show emotion!

Her chin tilted higher (as if that was possible) and crossed her arms.

"Clear your desk, Dru..." Wait what?! My face paled as she turned her back on me.

"... meet Andrea tomorrow at your new office on the 6th floor and please do not be late." The last part was uttered with emphasis and I knew that she always knew whenever I race to the lobby elevator.

When she was gone, I sat there slack-jawed and wide-eyed.

The 6th floor is where the company keeps every instrument and every award-winning lyricist. Does that mean I've been promoted? But what does that have to do with Tristan's new movie?

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