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Jenny was sleeping in the night when Roy woke her up. Jenny asked "Why? Did anything happen?" Roy said "Just follow me." She followed him. He took her outside and asked her to climb the bike. They both went on a long drive in the night. He took her to the beach. It was a full moon night. They both sat on the sand. Jenny put her hand in his and leaned on his shoulder. Roy said "Isn't the moon beautiful?" Jenny understood what he said and said "Love you too, my man."

Roy said "Even this beautiful nature can't meet your beauty, my queen

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Roy said "Even this beautiful nature can't meet your beauty, my queen." Jenny just looked in his eyes deeply and the moonlight shone perfectly on his eyes. Both just enjoyed their presence in silence. After few days Roy got a call saying that his cousin died. Jenny didn't know about it. After attending the call, Roy fell on his knees crying. He looked so fragile in that moment. Jenny went to him and asked what's wrong. Roy turned around and cried in her arms. He told the situation to Jenny. She consoled him. That evening, they boarded a flight to Manchester, Australia. They went to his cousin's funeral. Roy was silent during the whole time. Jenny was so worried about him. After the funeral, they had a family meeting. Roy hugged hid mother lovingly. He called Jenny and said "Mom, she is your daughter-in-law." Roy's mom said "Welcome to the family, dear." Jenny felt really happy but she couldn't find hid father anywhere, besides he never mentioned about his father to Jenny. She knew something wasn't right. Suddenly someone came behind and hugged her. It was Emma, Roy's cousin and Lucas's sister. Lucas was the one who died. Jenny hugged her and asked Roy who she was. He explained her everything. Jenny comforted Roy and Emma. Emma, Roy and Lucas grew together as bestfriends. They lived in one house until Roy was 18 years old. After the funeral everyone went back. That's when Jenny noticed his father.
               POV: JENNIFER
             As I noticed Roy's father enter the room everyone went silent and no one dared look up in his eyes. Why is no one looking him in his eyes? I thought. Then Roy's father came near me and asked who I was. Then Roy stood up and shouted "Don't you dare interfere in my matter. Leave my girlfriend alone!!! Get out of the room." I startled at his shout. I have never seen him like this. The tension in the room is high. To break the awkward silence I said "Guys, let's have dinner. It's getting late." The tension eased out and we went to the dining room. Lucas's mom said "Lucas died due to a bad car accident. The person who hit him was drunk." I saw Roy's vulnerable side for the first time. I used to see his strong, brave and romantic side only. But now I could see his weak side. We dispersed back to our rooms. Roy's mom came and said "Honey, before you sleep come to my room. I want to talk to you." I said "Mom-in-law, please wait for sometime. I need to talk to Roy and Emma." I went to Roy's room to see him crying in a corner of the room.
              Seeing him like this made me cry. But I put a strong front for him. I went near him to see him having a panic attack. His hands were shivering badly. I was stopping the tears in my eyes. I caught his hands and said "Roy, just calm down. I am there for you. Just look at me." And I kissed his forehead. Then he calmed down. I took him to his bed and put his head on my lap. I patted his back and asked "Roy, what happened?" in a comforting tone. He didn't answer anything and said "Please let me sleep in your lap. And don't tell anything to mom. She'll be really worried about me." I sang a lullaby for him to calm down and sleep well. After he slept, I went to Emma's room for answers. I asked Emma "What's going on? Why was Roy having a panic attack? Why did he just on his father for nothing? Why is Roy's mother wanting to talk with me personally? Emma please I need answers. It's breaking my head and heart to see you all like this."
          I put my face in my palms. Then Emma put her hands on my shoulders and said "I will tell you everything, listen carefully. I am going to tell you about our family, Roy, Lucas, Roy's childhood and why he had a panic attack. My father and Roy's father are own brothers. So we all lived in the same house. Lucas and I are twins. Roy is 1 year older than us. We all grew up like best friends. One day all of us came back from school to see my dad's dead body in front of us. Lucas and I went to our mom and cried on her shoulders. But Roy just stood near the gate. He didn't come near the body and stood there.  Lucas ran towards Roy and hugged him tightly. Even then Roy did not shed a tear. He whispered in Lucas's ear that he had a bad feeling about this. Lucas broke the hug and looked at Roy's blank face. Lucas and I didn't understand anything. But Roy's prediction was true. After my dad's burial was over, my uncle that is Roy's father gave his entry. Uncle came drunk. Then Roy said for his father to go out. Don't know what entered uncle, he lifted Roy with one hand and threw him to the wall. Roy hit his head. My aunt came to stop him, but he slapped her too. Lucas and I hid behind our mom with fear and tears in our eyes. When our dad was alive, he used to stop uncle and never let him come to the house. But after my dad died there was no source of income for us. So my uncle came and shouted loudly and said that we should be under his control and that no one goes against him. But if we do, my uncle would go psycho. Roy asked uncle to get out the house. He shouted and said that he do not dare touch anyone of us. Uncle went psycho and took his belt and started beating him as if he was a dog. Lucas went running to him, but uncle didn't care and started beating both of them until he was satisfied and went out for the night. Roy and Lucas collapsed to the floor. Aunt, mom and I went running to them. We treated their wounds with tears in our eyes. Then Roy said "Mom, aunt, Lucas and Emma, listen carefully. That man is our source of income. Lucas and I can't earn at this age as we are too young. He need to tolerate him until we are of the age. If he abuses don't come near me because he will beat you too. I am your shield. Until then bear with him." I couldn't bear to see all of that. We just obeyed his words. Roy was our big brother protecting us. So after some years he earned a job. Lucas also studied hard. Both of them earned jobs and we moved out of the house and left my uncle. So it's been years since we saw him. The reason why Roy shouted at his father was, he didn't want his father to hurt you. He had a panic attack remembering his childhood trauma. Sis-in-law, please take care of him. He loves you a lot. Please don't hurt him in anyway. Please comfort him. Please be there for him." And Emma just looked at me with tears in her eyes. I hugged her and comforted her in silence. I left her room and went to my mom-in-law's room. She greeted me with a smile and asked me to sit beside her. She said "Dear, I need to tell you about a thing which should not be known to Roy. I was pregnant second time with Roy's sister. My husband had lost a lot of money in gambling one day. So in that anger he came home drunk that day. One of his debtors asked him to return money by  morning. When he came home that night, I asked him money for checkup. He looked at me seriously and caught my neck and pinned to the wall. He punched me and kicked me on the stomach several times. I begged him to leave me, struggling for breath. He left me on the floor. I was 2 months pregnant that time. Then he took all my jewels and left the house. I slowly got up and went to the washroom to find blood everywhere. I cried seeing all this. The baby was aborted by her own father. One day, I was going to the marker when his father pulled me to a side and demanded me money and I was reminding him about the abortion and asked him to leave. Lucas who came with me to the market, was listening to all of it silently. He confronted his uncle and gave him a warning and wanted to say all of this to Roy. He was going to the airport but his uncle hit his car and created a scene and acted as a drunk stranger. I knew everything but couldn't tell anything. If this comes out, our family will break into pieces. Jenny, I trust you with this secret. Please treat Roy with care. He might appear strong but he had a really bad childhood."
          Then she kissed my forehead. I was listening to everything in shock. I said in a comforting tone "Mom-in-law, thank you for keeping your trust in me. I will treat Roy as a king, a child, my husband and my life. I will give you assurance. Sleep in peace." I went back to Roy's room. I was shocked to know about Roy's childhood and cause of Lucas's death. I sat on his bed staring at Roy. He looked so fragile at that moment. I caressed his check check and slept beside him. I kept my forehead on his and said "I want tell you many things, but I can't. Time will reveal everything to you. Even at your weakest point, you protected me with everything. Until death separates you and me, I will care for you, guide you, protect you, comfort you, carry your children for you and I will only be yours."
              POV: AUTHOR
         After saying these words to Roy, Jenny.......

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