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Chapter one: Betrayal

That's when hope left my body. I asked myself many rhetorical questions like, was i not worthy of love? Even today, the picture of my beloved boyfriend in bed with another woman was not deleted in my mind. For what was worth, I loved him truly did.

Only if I knew and accepted that love was not my middle name. As far as I was 23 years old , I fought for recognition, love, and mostly comfort from my parents. I was tired of begging for love done begging for attention but not done enduring the pain from my father's beatings, my mother being his cheerleader.

I would ask myself if they were my biological parents? But still no answer, rhetorical indeed. I had no purpose in life, I wanted death more than life. I tried everything to kill myself, from hanging myself to poison it's like God does not want my soul either.

I was a living rejection, so i stopped praying. What was the use of praying when God did not hear when I told him to take my soul. In the midst of all, I had someone I was living for, my best friend. I was hurt to hear how she did not want to lose me when she found out I tried to kill myself.

I was happy to finally have someone to who cared for me. I was willing to save myself for her."Penny, for your thoughts." Mother or should I say monster mother disturbed me from my thoughts.

" What do you want?" I asked without looking at her disgusting face with a pale makeup. "Just get used to it already." She said, snapping her fingers. I was tired of crying in front of her, telling her my sorrows. I was tired from hoping she would rescue me.

"Anyways, I brought you a tea just the way you like it."The way she was acting, I knew she wanted me to do something for her. "Just say whatever you want me to do." I plainly looked at her. "You are so bitter, Lucy Flourie." Typical her, she never called me with pet names even the simplest 'my child'.

"No wonder they cheat on you." That hit home, but I wouldn't let her see my tears."Anyways, come downstairs, your father, my husband , my cookie feeder, and I want to share the good news with you." I couldn't stop her from saying those nasty things she calls praises. I knew best not to.

"Some of us know how to keep and feed our man. You should take notes open damn legs." She shouted, leaving my room. When people were asking for mothers, I guess I was sleeping. I took my phone and spilled the tea in the toilet. I was going to get a beatings had I not returned the empty cup.

I rinsed the cup and went to the dinner table. I sat on the floor but told to sit at the chair. I was surprised by this treatment because one of their rules was to sit on the floor. I assessed the table, It must be a great occasion. I saw three muscled scary men unknown to me sitting across me, father on the side and mother next to her.

"Sincerely greetings to the elders." That was the line i was taught to greet every visitor. They mumbled their greetings with food in their mouth, disgusting. "Lucy, there have your food." Father pointed at the plate in front of me. I did not trust them, but then I knew best not to eat.

"Thank you for your kindness, dad." I faked a smile which I hope the visitors buy it. That was another line I was taught when Father is offering something to me. I was so hungry that I almost broke their rules, which were as follows. I was not supposed to rush when I ate. I was not supposed to finish the food on my plate.

I stoop up to clear the table only to be stopped by 'father'."Your mom will take care of that. I just want you to relax your mind for the good news we are about to share with you." I wondered what the news was about. I did not bother myself, believing them it was good news, maybe for them.

Mother came back to the table, and the tension rose as the men said they did not have time in unison." Go ahead, take her then." I jumped in confusion, I did not understand what came out of his mouth. Although I knew those words were meant to me. " Little woman do not force me to carry you, you heard your father." One of the muscled scary men said.

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