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Chapter 3: Money can't replace what I lost.

Hate is a strong word, but it felt like weak to me. I woke up in a hell hole where I was alone.The two monster molesters left me bleeding and in pain. I remembered what happened at the auction, but I forgot what happened in the room.

What did they drug me with?this question was not rhetorical it needed answers, and that was what I would get, I promised myself that. I was confused at a lot of blood I was seeing and the pain I was feeling.

This proved one thing, I was raped not one but two men. I lost something dearly to me. My identity, my virginity which was taken against my will. I whaled louder, screaming "help" as if I was going to get help.

I was living with cruel people anyway. Two female ladies wearing white clothes . They were pushing a table full of medicines, some type of fluids, gloves, and cottons. My room suddenly smelt like a hospital.

I irked at that smell. I hated the hospital odor. I just hated hospitals. I pinched my nose to prevent the smell from hitting my nostrils. Maybe it was because I used to be admitted for months after my father's punishments.

"Ms, try to relax. We are nurses, and we are here to clean you up." I wanted to tell them to help me report this, but I knew these people were sent to work too like me. They were not going to report anything, plus the traffickers may have police officials on the payroll.

I lay down, not looking at their eyes, I did not want to see the pity that was in the women's eyes. I looked to the side while they cleaned and injected me. I was powerless. My mind was absent.

I did not have the energy to even resist the injection since they might drug me again. "You are HIV Negative. They used rubber with you." She paused a bit. You couldn't miss the shame that was in her voice. "So you are not infected with anything."

"You have injected you with a medicine to heal the pain." I wanted to ask them to inject me with medicine to heal the emotional pain. But I knew I would be asking for the impossible. I was forced to get stuck with the trauma, and that was torture to myself.

" We have found no sperm in your womb. Your vigina is now clean." I wanted them to finish and leave me alone."It is going to be fine at the end for now. Keep on praying that all this will end when God is involved." I heard the other lady saying.

Only if she knew I prayed so hard to not be auctioned, but then God blocked his ears. She did not know I lost my sanity, so God was not in my thoughts he failed me last night. I stood up and went to the bathroom after they left.

I found clean towels, lotions, oil, bath salt, and ointments. I prepared myself a bath filled the tub with bath salts. I walked out of the bathroom to bed after I was done. I found sweat pants and sweat jerseys, basically a track suit.

I was great full for the clothes. I needed something comfortable. I needed to be indoors but not in that room. That room was a hell hole to me. My attention was shifted toward the door. I wanted to leave.

Something on the floor near the door stopped me from taking another step forward. It was a note that seemed like it was pushed through recently. "Leave to your room urgently." That was what was written on the note.

I did not waste time, I covered my head with the hoodie to not be seen or see people. I knew my room number, so I looked at the numbers on each door for a lead. After what felt like a decade to me, I was in my room.

Where I felt like everything else happened was a dream. It felt like I had just woken up from a nightmare. Stallion barged through as I was about to take my shoes off. "Lucian, you did a great job, yesternight. I won't lie. I was impressed by you. Other ladies should take notes from you. Our clients even tipped us more than we have been tipped before. "

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