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Chapter 6: I am still a Virgin.

Finally, I understood King's words. I was free, but I am not sure if I am free from the boss here too? "You are okay, Angel."
I furrowed my brows at him. "The door is for guys like you to knock."

I finished wearing my socks, ready to head downstairs for breakfast. "Relax angel, I found the door open." I clicked my tongue. "Since you said I am free, am I free from the boss here."

I asked, not sure if I was ready to hear the answer. "Yes. You are free from everything." He said sarcastically. He was wearing neavy blue suits, which suited him perfectly. He looked like an alpha.

He was handsome, and I had to give in God really took his precious time creating this man. "Are you okay, Queen?" I was captured the new name he has given me.

"I.. I am okay." I managed to say after I found my voice. "I would like to catch up with you, but I am already late. Enjoy your class today." He left before I could ask him one more question.

I was really tired of the puzzles he had been giving me. "Hey Mich, how are you? I found Michelle eating her breakfast, ready to go for her class. "I am exhausted for today already. Can't I bunk this class already?

I chuckled. She was crazy if she thought I was going to let her bunk school. "No, you are not doing that. Michelle?" I've been really meaning to ask. "Don't you think it is now time we ask the boss to give us phones?"

"He did not give you your phone, girl? How crazy is Ronaldo?" She was frustrated. "Wait, what do you mean Ronaldo has not given me my phone?" Her statement left me confused yet more frustrated. How was it possible that Ronaldo is the boss?

" I... I have to go bye." She picked her bag and rushed to the door. "Michelle, answer me!" She shutted the door closed. I went to pick up my bag too and went upstairs. I just could not stomach anything right now. "You are early today. You must be looking forward to today's class."

The teacher hugged me, "but your energy does not match with you being early. What is wrong, sweetheart?" She directed me to sit down. "A lot is going on. I feel like I am being lied to, you know what? I don't want to talk about it. I need a distraction and time, then I will tell you all about it."

She signed concerned, and I was not sure if I could trust her. "Guess what, how about we go to my kitchen today and do the practical there?" She lifted my mood. I felt my inner self dancing to her words.

"Really, thank you yes yes I will go with you." I jumped excited. "But please, before we leave, may you tell the boss and can my guard leave with me?" I was so excited, but I did not want to be kidnapped again.

I also did not know if I was safe here, but at least I was attending chef classes. So the boss's place was better worse. She called the boss and I was told he agreed. My guard accompanied me as I requested.

"You said we were coming to your kitchen." I was confused although the room had stoves and kitchen apparatus, but there were so many tables it's like the room where chefs work in competitions.

"Welcome to my practice. This is where my students practice their cooking and time management." I was excited too. I wished the students were here, so I would learn with them.

"Let's get started, the ingredients before you make something with them. What I am looking for is texture, colors, tasty, and good presentation. You have only 1 hour." I started working my magic. I learned a lot with her.

"You were impressive today. Keep the pace you are in right now. You will be big, chef." I was delighted to be called chef. We said our goodbyes and left to our respective places.

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