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Chapter 5: King's name is known.


"You have not forgotten about me." He seated on the chair next to my bed. "You can only ask one question." He was not fair. I had many questions to ask him. " Where am I?" I regretted after asking that question.

I was supposed to ask him what he meant when he said I was free. But then it was too late. "You are where you belong." He gave me another puzzle tough than the previous one.

I was far confused trying to crackle it already. "I thought you would ask to know my name, I will answer it as a bonus. I am Ronaldo Miller." My head spun for a second, I felt weak and dizzy.

There was a lot of information in his names. "Sleep angel, you are tired." It was lights off for me. Maybe that was a dream King was never here.

I woke up to a very painful headache. I looked at my lamb stand. There was a green mixture and a note written. Drink this for your hangover. XX, your King.
So he was here, the letter proved it. I was not dreaming he was here.

I drank that and took a quick bath. I felt fresh after that remedy I had King to thank for. I wore white short tight and black saggy shirt. I felt like myself full of hope but yet confused by the puzzles I was given by King.

I went downstairs for breakfast. "Girl, you seem fresh like you were not drunk yesterday." Michelle was looking good with no hangover. Maybe alcohol loved her. "You don't know, I woke up with a strong headache girl."

She looked so fresh. If I did not trust her, I would say she was lying. "You don't look like it, though." She made herself a coffee. "I can't look like my problems, babes. But now, thanks to lovely future husband." I was taken aback by that for a moment.

"I found a letter it was written. I should drink a green mixture for my hangover, and it was written from love. I knew right then that that was my husband." Could that be King too? Was he playing us.

I was more than confused." Can I see the handwriting." She looked at me confused." What is going on with you? Is there something you should tell me?" She stopped eating. " I got the same mixture and got the same message from King, I mean Ronaldo."

She looked surprised but quickly masked it with a confused expression. Something was fishy there. She went to her room and came out with the letter. I was relieved to see that it had different handwriting from mine.

"Are you and Ronaldo related." I finally asked the question that was burning my chest. She choked on her coffee. "Are you fine, friend? Here is some water." She recovered after drinking the water.

"Sorry the coffee went into the wrong pipe, I am not related to King or whoever his name is." I nodded. Maybe I was overthinking it. "I'm sorry, friend, just you guys have the same surname."

She hugged me, "You should rest your mind, friend, and take things the way they are." I was stupid to think she was related to Ronaldo. Surnames are common.

We finished eating breakfast and then watched Netflix. We were not allowed to wash dishes. "Sorry to disturb you, ladies, but boss requires you to write the things you would like to learn to do." TMan handed us a notepad.

I wrote, "I would like to learn to be a chef." That would make me happy. I would be distracted to everything here. I would gain more hope to hold on." I di not know you love cooking you should start cooking for me."

Michelle took the paper from me. "Hold your horses, not doing that for you." She wrote she would like to learn to be a psychologist. I was impressed by my friend. "Our future psychologist." She whistled, clapping her hands.

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