Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: The beginning of light.

Three days passed without seeing Ronaldo, I was worried about him. I wanted to thank him, too, for what he had done for me. Michelle and I were good like before and more. I liked her more and we were closer. She was like my sister, sister, I never got. "Good morning, guys."

I passed my greetings to Michelle, Ronaldo, and some guy I sat next to. I was surprised and happy for Ronaldo's presence today. He was wearing casual clothes not formal. He looked too good in them. "Morning, friend," Michelle nugged me.

"You are drooling. Give him some hard time, babes. Do not make it obvious." Michelle whispered onto my ear. "Angel, here is my RH man, Jack, Jack meet my angel." I was not sure whether I saw a smile on Ronaldo's face, but his lips twitched.

"You did not tell me she is this beautiful man. She is an angel indeed. Nice to meet you, Angel." He offered for a handshake, but Ronaldo slapped his hand off from reaching mine. "I am the one to call her Angel only."

He said, eating his food like he had not slapped an innocent man's hand. "Territorial Bastard, Possesive much already I feel for you his Angel. Anyways, baby, please fill my plate with more bacon." Michelle did exactly like he said.

"Lucky you, friend, you scored yourself a whole hunk, you will be fed, trust me." I whispered before I ate my bacon. "Did you hear that? Your Angel said I am a hunk." I gasped, I thought only Mich heard me.

Ronaldo hissed and left pissed. I knew that he was annoyed and pissed. That was the same reaction when Michelle would force him to say he likes me. "Your man is a cry baby. How cute." Jack mocked Ronaldo even in his absence.

"Baby, you need to stop teasing him. That's my brother." She flapped her lashes sulking. To say i was shocked was an understandable, I almost died from choking by the food in my mouth.

"Friend, I was still going to introduce my man to you, but i wanted to tell you about him first. He just could not wait to come see you so he can mock Ronaldo. Jack is my man, and we have been dating for five years."

I was surprised but happy for my friend. "It is fine, friend. I understand." I really understood that it was part of an act. "Let me leave you ladies to catch up. Nice to meet you, his angel." He took his plate and placed it inside the sink.

Then it clicked to me, Ronaldo introduced Jack as his RH. " Friend, is he the same RH whom you were named after? Remember the RH lady?" The same RH that gave me headaches trying to figure out the full names of it.

"Yes, friend, because they knew we were dating. I thought you cracked the full names to this abbreviation. RH stands for Right Hand. I was basically called the right-hand lady because I am dating Ronaldo's right-hand man."

I face palmed myself for being such a dumb. Anyone would've guessed that, but not me. "Ronaldo is cool with you dating his right hand, man?" Speaking of Ronaldo, I still want to thank him. "Yes, no, at first he did not like it. I am his young sister, after all."

I could see she was in love and really taken. I wondered when I would be happy, too. "I have to go to work, bye friend." She kissed my cheek, took her bag, and left.

I was being sucked by boredom, I had nothing to do. I was done with exams, Speaking of which we were close to Christmas Eve. I was excited that it would be the first Christmas without my parents, and I hoped without misery.

I cleared the table, "thank you, Madam, I will take it from here." The helper reminded me of mam Rosa, how I missed her. "Hi, please call me Lucy. Let me do the dishes. I have a lot of stress, and I've got nothing to do." I sulked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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