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When we got home, Mom seemed exhausted but resolute. I knew that everyone at the lab was on edge because of Jack and his incredible awakening. I was excited about everything that had happened, and I expected I would be able to participate in further investigations. I was really looking forward to it.

But as soon as we walked into the house, Mom looked at me with a serious expression.

"Bella, I need to tell you something," she began, putting her bag down on the hallway table.

"I can't take you to the lab for a while. The situation has become too complicated. The scientists are under a lot of pressure, and Jack's condition requires special attention. We can't risk additional disruptions."

I looked at her in surprise, then felt a wave of anger.

"What do you mean I can't come?!" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"You know I'm part of this. I'm the one who woke him up. If I'm not there, how can I find out what's happening? How can I help?"

Mom shook her head, her voice firm.

"I know you played a part, but that doesn't mean you can be in the lab whenever you want. This is serious work, not a game. I can't risk your safety or the integrity of the lab just because you want to be involved. The scientists are under a lot of pressure, and they need to work without interruptions."

I felt my cheeks turn red with frustration.

"That's not fair, Mom! I woke him up. I was there with him when he woke up. How can you just cut me out? It's not fair!"

Mom's tone became sharper.

"Bella, it's not about fairness. It's about safety and responsibility. You don't understand how serious the situation is. Jack's awakening has caused a lot of pressure, and I can't risk something happening because of your presence. This is not a game, and you need to understand that."

It was too much. I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"It's not fair. You don't understand, Mom. This is important to me, and you can't just cut me out like that!"

But she wouldn't budge.

"This is the final decision. I won't let your stubbornness jeopardize everything we've worked for. You need to learn to listen and respect the rules."

That's when I exploded.

"You always know everything, don't you?" I said, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"But you don't know how I feel! You don't understand how much this means to me!"

"You can't interfere in things you don't understand. Jack is an experiment. His awakening is incredible, but the scientists have to do their job."

"An experiment?" I repeated, now with anger in my voice.

"He's a person! He has feelings and memories. How can you talk about him like that? As if he's nothing more than a lab rat!"

Mom took a deep breath, trying to stay calm.

"Bella, I know you care about Jack, but you have to understand that his case is unique. His awakening is a miracle, but the scientists need to understand how it's possible. We need to study him to learn more."

That made me even angrier.

"How can you treat him like an experiment? He's not just a number or a sample to study. He's a person who survived something terrible, and now you're keeping him tied up and testing him like he's a lab animal! That's not right!"

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