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As we sat on the park bench, surrounded by the quiet of the night and the rustling of leaves, I felt surprisingly relaxed. Jack's presence had a calming effect, and his stories about the past were like tales from a book.

But while he talked about his world, I felt him looking at me with genuine curiosity. As if he wanted to know more about me, not just as someone who helped him escape, but as a friend.

"Bella," he said, brushing his hair off his forehead.

"Tell me about yourself. What's it like living here, in this... modern time?"

I felt a moment of uncertainty. How much should I tell him? How much should I reveal? But his presence was warm and friendly, and I felt like I could trust him.

Maybe it would bring him closer to me, help him understand that we're not so different despite the time gap that separates us.

"Well," I began, searching for the right words, "it's not always easy. I mean, people here, they have their groups, their rules.

I... never really felt like I belonged."

Jack watched me with understanding, and that encouraged me to continue.

"I'm not very popular at school. Actually, I'm usually left out. People have their circles of friends, and I'm... an outsider. I don't fit in. I mean, I don't have many friends. I spend most of my time alone, with books or exploring things that interest me."

It was hard to admit these things, but Jack listened attentively, without any judgment. His gaze was warm, as if he understood what it felt like to be different.

"You know, sometimes I feel like nobody cares about me. People are busy with their lives, their problems. And I... I just don't belong anywhere. I can't adjust to their expectations."

Jack nodded, and his smile was gentle but genuine.

"It sounds like you're strong enough to stand on your own, even if it's tough," he said quietly. 

"That's not easy, you know. Sometimes it's hard to be an outsider, but that doesn't mean you don't have value."

It was refreshing to hear someone who didn't judge me for my differences, someone who saw the value in being unique. Jack had that ability to calm me and show me that, even if I'm an outsider, it doesn't make me less valuable.

We talked for a while longer, and I felt less alone. Jack's friendship was something special, something I hadn't expected. It was as if we both found ourselves in this moment from completely different worlds, but we shared something deep.

He knew how I felt because he was also an outsider in this new world. We both needed support and understanding.

"Jack," I began, choosing my words carefully, "you told me about the Titanic and how you got on board. But you never mentioned how you met Rose. Can you tell me about her?"

Jack was silent for a long time, looking down. It seemed like he was struggling with emotions that were still raw, even though so much time had passed. His voice was soft when he finally spoke.

"Rose..." he said, as if tasting the name on his lips.

"She was incredible. We met on the ship, but she was from a wealthy family, and I was just... just a boy from third class. Still, we found a way to connect."

I could see it was hard for him to talk about her, but I continued to listen, knowing it might be important to him.

"She was brave," he continued, his eyes glistening in the dark.

"And she wasn't afraid to be herself, even when others expected something else. But at the same time, she was... vulnerable. She was always under pressure, people told her what she should do, who she should be with."

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