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(Your POV)

Both you and MK get thrown into the lift, and the staff yet again extends itself, breaking the bottom of the lift; sending it, you and MK flying upwards causing you and MK to scream. Both you and MK ran to the delivery truck as MK quickly drove away.

"You think we got away?" he said scared. You looked in the side mirror only to see Red Son and his vehicle break through the ground. "Nope!" you shouted as you poked your head out to look behind you.

"All right, noodle boy, hand over the staff!" Red Son shouted. You watch as MK reaches for something behind him, and picks up the bag of noodles you two were supposed to deliver. "MK wha-" "I'm sorry valued customer, you won't be getting your noodles." you watched as he tossed the bag out of the car and landed on Red Son's windshield. You winced when you saw the noodles splat on the windshield,  Pigsy definitely wasn't going to like that."Don't worry we'll apologize to the customer later, okay." you reinsured MK. MK nodded at your words before you both focused back on the main problem. 

"Dang it!" Red Son screamed when the noddles landed on his windshield. Red Son uses the windshield wipers to get rid of the noodles. "Fine! Have it your way!" Red Son yelled irritated, as he bursted out in flames.

"Ah! You're really scary!" "MK calm down, and eyes forward!" you yelled trying to get the brunette boy to focus on what's in front of him. 

The staff extends yet again lifting the cart into the air, causing it to land on the rooftops. "Would you get down here, so I can kill you?!" Red Son yelled, looking up at you two. "No thanks." you replied looking down at him. Suddenly the roof of one of the building breaks, causing you two to land into the house of a woman. "We're terribly sorry!" you yelled at the woman, throwing some money towards her to pay for some of the damages they caused. 

You both drive through the apartment halls and bursts through one of the walls, finding you both back on the road. You look behind you, not seeing Red Son in sight. "Okay, I think we lost him." you said as you looked back to MK, as he lets out a small laugh. The engine soon starts to sputter as you both came to a stop. You both exit the vehicle and walks over to examine it. When you open the vehicle up smoke comes out and hits you in the face, causing you to cough.

"Ohh! Come on, come on, come on, old girl, you got this! Oh, don't do this to us! Oh man. Pigsy's gonna kill me!" MK freaked out. "MK!" you said grabbing the boy's shoulders, causing him to look at you. "We'll worry about that later. Right now, we have an even bigger problem!" you said turning his head in the direction where Red Son was approaching them, fast.

MK scrambles to his knees as he holds Monkey King's staff in one hand, in his other hand he's holding yours as he runs away from Red Son. He collides with someone on a hoverboard. He quickly carries you bridal style as he jumps on the hoverboard. "So sorry! We just need to borrow this. Bye!" he says as he zooms off, you in hand.

"Whoa! Hey, get back here!" the guy shouts as he friend begins to take a picture as Red Son's care goes zooming by.

You slowly wrapped your arms around MK's shoulders as you looked up at him. To be honest... he didn't look that bad from this view. You nuzzled yourself into his chest, trying to get comfortable. This made the brown haired boy blush before he turned his attention back to Red Son. "I'm coming to get you, noodle boy!" Red Son laughs evilly.

MK bounces off the walls trying to get away from the red haired demon. Which leads to Red Son getting his car stuck in a tight alleyway. Seeing this MK snickers. "See ya!" before he zooms off. Red Son growled in anger watching the two of them getting away.  He opened a lid revealing a button with a skull on it. Pressing the button caused another vehicle to pop up. Red Son then hopped into the vehicle, following after both you and MK.

Blood Lamb - LMK(Lego Monkie Kid) x Red Crown! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now