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(Your POV)

Small Time Skip

All of you were piled up in Pigsy's tiny car. Since you were small enough, you just sat on the delivery boys lap, which earned him a glare from both the scholar and motorcyclist. Though it was clear he was in his own world, as he just blushed furiously, not even noticing the two glaring at him. 

Despite this, it was still very tight in the car. "Eh, very tight!" MK complained. Tang was holding onto the dashboard for his dear life. "PIgsy! Watch where you're going! You're going to kill us all!" MK put his head on top of yours. "Yeah! We've got to get to Flower Fruit Mountain without getting smooshed in a car crash. All we need to do is drive through an entire ocean. Simple.". This made you scoff. 

"How the hell is getting across an ocean simple?" you said as you looked up at MK. He just shrugged as your question. "We'll figure something out when we get there." he said as he looked down at you. "Guys! Demon Bull KIng's moving downtown! He's destroying the cheese tea stalls!" Mei said, pointing at her phone.

"Nooo! Not the cheese tea! Step on it Pigsy!" You said, in the back. No one messes with you and food. "All the more reason to get this staff to Monkey King. Flower Fruit Mountain its the only place he could be. Right Mr. Tang." MK said as he looked towards the scholar. 

"Hmm, indeed. However, Flower Fruit Mountain is hidden away, deep into dangerous and unknown territory. So I guess we better turn back!" Tang said with a nervous chuckle.

"Wow, what a wuss Tang." you muttered as you nuzzled yourself closer to MK.

"Ah, shut it, ya big baby! I know a guy that can take us there. The most dangerous. Deadly. Rage-filled warrior I've ever known." PIgsy said as he stepped on the brakes and did a U-turn. This makes you squeak at the sudden jolt as you tighten your grip on MK. Making the boy blush even more.

Eventually you all made it to a containment home with the name "Sandy" on the door. The door creaks open, as everyone but you is shaking, Mei, MK and Tang hide behind you.

"That's a lot to take in. You know what I do to people who disrupt the peace." Sandy spoke. The door opens completely revealing Sandy, a large muscular man, he has blue skin and an orange beard and mohawk. "Serve 'em tea! You guys want some? You? How bout that guy over there. Hello Y/N, it's nice to see you again. Would you like a cup?"

"Mhm, thank you Sandy." you said with a nod. You took your cup of tea as multiple cats started to surround you. One calico cat sat on your lap as you started to pet it. A pale brown cat nuzzled its face onto your thigh, as a dark brown cat climbed up onto your back and sat on your shoulder, nuzzling your face. "Hello Patches, Petal, and Larch."(If you know this reference, I love you) you said as you petted each cat. All of purring contently.

Pigsy screams out in anger, scaring away all the cats. "Ugh! Sandy? What happened to you? Where's the angry, glass-chewing, fist-throwing buddy I used to know?! And how do you two know each other?!" Pigsy stands and grabs the bead necklace around Sandy's neck and pulls him close. He points to you during his last sentence.

"Glass-chewing?!" both you and Robin thought.

Sandy just replied to Pigsy's statement in a chipper tone. "Oh, well... my therapist said I really needed to calm down. That's why I started drinking tea, doing yoga and investing in therapy cats! Really helps! Oh, don't you Mo?" Sandy cooed as he stratched a underneath a blue tabby's chin, one that had an orange mohawk like him. "As for Y/N, I met them a couple of months ago during a fishing trip. Now we go out on fishing trips every week or so."  

You walked up to Sandy as Mo jumped into your arms. You smiled and petted him on his head. "Hey buddy, it's nice to see you again."

Mei got on her knees with her hands clasped together and started speaking in a baby voice, "Oh Mr. Sandy, sir. We could really use your help! We've got to get to Flower Fruit Mountain!"

Blood Lamb - LMK(Lego Monkie Kid) x Red Crown! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now