Special Chapter Announcement!

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Opening your eyes you found yourself in a dimly lit room, you could barely make anything out in the darkness.

You tried to stand up only to find you couldn't your legs were tied to the chair, as your arms were tied behind your back. 

Panic set in as you tried to break free. "I would stop before you hurt yourself." a voice said in the darkness.

Looking in the direction of the voice, you could make out what looked to be a desk. When an ice blue colored eye appeared slightly glaring at them as a white dot appeared alongside them.

This made you fidget around more as this whole thing freaked you out. All you were doing was waiting for an update on your favorite story and now this. "Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you." the blue eyed figure said.

Suddenly the lights turned on. You blinked your eyes trying to adjust to the brightness. Looking around you noticed your surroundings. You appeared to be in some sort of office. Looking forward you found the owner of the voice from earlier.

It was Raven! Except... she looked different, she was wearing a suit and had her hair up in a high ponytail. Her head was sitting on her hand that was on the desk. An amused smile could be seen on her face.

The Suit:

(Imagine the ponytail being like Monica's in DDLC)

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(Imagine the ponytail being like Monica's in DDLC)

"Sure I had to get you here this way. I wanted to try something new for this one." Raven said.

She got up and walked towards you. "Anyway, the reason you're here is because I got some news for you." 

She gently grabs your face and makes you turn towards a screen that was being projected by her raven's head piece. 

"We reached our goal of 3k on the book, and as promised this means a special chapter for you and your peer's hard work!"  She squished her cheek against yours as she said this news.

"Yesterday, I posted a voting board based on which ship you want the chapter to focus on... and.. uh."

"I know I probably should've expected something like this

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"I know I probably should've expected something like this... but nonetheless. I will keep my promise to you all and gift you all with a special chapter, sort of as a thank you all for being here." she said with a bow as the raven flew up to her.

The raven landed on her arm as she looked at it and petted it under its beak. "When that is however, is something I don't know. I plan to have it out sometime after I finish 'A HERO IS BORN' and before 'BAD WEATHER'."

The raven hops onto her shoulder and perches there. "But until then, this is Raven signing out!" she had a smile on her face as she clapped and everything went dark.



But let me untie you before we leave.



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