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I come home from work and see my boyfriend on the couch. He is reading something, I step closer and realize..its my diary. "You know..you're a good writer.." he says, my skin crawls with goosebumps. "Writing every detail of what you want me to do to you baby..next time you want me to make the bed...dont keep your journal under the pillow." He closes the book with one hand and stands up. He plops the book down on the couch and walks over to me. "You're into that book smut, huh?" He unbuttons one of the buttons on his black button down. He tilts my head up from my chin so that I am looking up at him. "Whats wrong princess? You had so much to say in thay diary of yours.." my legs get weak at that nickname and butterfloes begin to form in my stomach. He grabs my throat and backs me into the wall, his face close to mine. "Speak." He growls.
"I never thought you'd see that-" I manage to get out so fast that my brain cant even process it.
"No? Well thats unfortunate darling, because I did. And now Im gonna fuck your brains out. Ive been too gentle with you.." before I can even consider protesting, his lips meet mine in a bruising yet gentle kiss. His grip tightens on my neck and a small moan escapes me. Our tounges wrestle back and forth befpre his mouth moves down my cheek and his teeth meet my neck in a bruising bite, I cry out and push on his chest but hes too big for me to move and I dont want him to. He moves his other hand down my body and to the middle of my waist and aggressively presses on it, right where I described in my diary is my soft spot, I moan and throw my head my back against the wall. He takes his hand and grabs my face. "Look at me!" He shouts, I look at him quickly. "For every time you look away from me I'll add ten spanks, and all of them will add up and at some point tonight you'll suffer all those spanks, you understand me slut?" He says. I nod, his hand goes back down to my neck. "Use your fucking words." He says, I squeak.
"Yes sir.."
"Good girl.." He says, he leads me over to the couch and pushes me onto it, he unbuttons the rest of his shirt and lands a harsh smack down on my thigh. "Spread your legs." He growls, I do so. He yanks down my underwear and pencil skirt and rips off his belt, folding it up and putting it next to me. He takes off his jeans and boxers and his dick is rock hard, usually he had been so gentle and vanilla with me but I can tell he's getting a rise out of being dominant. He rubs his dick on my drenched throbbing pussy and slowly puts it in, he grabs my throat and begins to fuck me, hard and fast. I can hardly moan it feels so good, I close my eyes and throw my head back in pleasure but a harsh smack on my thigh brings me back to reality. "Thats ten, slut." He growls breathlessly. His pace doesnt slow, he reaches his other hand down and begins to rub my clit. "Fuck you're so tight baby.." he groans, getting rougher. He slaps my thigh again. "Fucking slut.." he starts rubbing my clit. "Oh my god.." he moans. I keep eye contact with him moaning so loud that Im sure my neighbors can hear me. I feel the pressure build up in my lower stomach and pussy. "You wanna cum baby?" He moans, I nod and he rubs my clit faster. "Cum for me" right on command a strong orgasm ripples over my body and I tremble and twitch but he keeps fucking me. "You're gonna wait until I cum baby..you are my little sex doll to use and abuse how I want.." he puts my legs up on his shoulders. I moan loudly until he puts his hand on my mouth. "God we gotta get you a ball gag or something.." he moans. His movements get sloppy. "Fuck baby Im gonna cum.." He moans two more pumps and I feel him pull out and his warm cum dripping out of me. He chuckles, "we're lucky I got thay vasectomy huh?" He leans down amd kisses me, the pulls me up off the couch, sits down and pulls me over his lap. He chuckles and runs his hand over my ass. "You're gonna count these out for me baby. You ready?" He asks, I nod. He lands one harsh hit down after another and I count each one out, crying out loudly after each one. The last two he hits extra hard. "Heh, good girl.." he picks me up and lays me down on the couch. "Rest for now" he says getting dressed. "When you're ready go shower, I am gonna make you some dinner and pour you some juice for when you come out. I love you baby. After dinner we'll cuddle, ok?" He says, I nod shutting my eyes as I hear his footsteps go into the kitchen.

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