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This ones a weird one but its based off a dream I had, hope yall like it!

I walk through the broken down and abandoned castle gripping my gun with wooden bullets so tight that my knuckles are white. I come across a room with a tomb in it, the tomb is empty and open and the rubble has been brushed off of it.
"You're shaking..are you new to this my darling..?" I hear a mans voice with a heavy accent behind me, I slowly turn to face him, his hair is long amd black, hes thin and pale and his eyes are a golden yellow color, which indicates a pure blooded vampire, not like the half bloods my company usually kills. "You're so beautiful.." he remarks, "its such a shame that I might have to kill you.." I am screwed, wooden bullets would bounce off of him and I dont have ravine on me as I assumed I would be killing a half blood. Before I can blink he has me by my throat against a wall. He takes a big sniff of my neck. "I smell their blood on arent new to this..but you're new to killing pure bloods like me.." He has me pinned, I cant move, he's so much stronger than me. "Such a good girl..not even struggling against me." He smirks and tightens his fist around my throat, I whimper. "Dont worry darling..I wont drink your blood..Ive already handled my thirst..but only my thist for blood..I thirst for much more.." He runs his other hand down my waist and to my hip, pressing my hips against the wall as well. "You're trembling..are you cold darling?" He asks, I shake my head 'no' despite being pinned to a freezing cold wall. "Are you sure darling? I can warm you up.." He says, I push against him but it doesnt work. "Ooo, no're gonna stay right here darling..I like seeing you like this.." my legs begin to feel weak. "You see..I wake up..after 7 decades" he runs his hand over to my clit and begins to rub me through my pants. "All of my covenant either dead or abandoned me and then I see a precious little human pointing a gun at I'm a little bit frusterated.." he growls, I whimper and squirm, tempted to give in to his teasing. He picks me up with one arm, I wrap my legs around him, he puts his lid back on his tomb and sets me on top of it. "Be a good girl and take your punishment..yeah?" He says, I nod. He slips his fancy but old clothes off then slips my pants and panties off. Whats good about pure blooded vampires is they dont sweat so they dont stink, they have no oils in their skin or hair. He gets close to me again and he still smells so good after 7 decades of sleep. He slides me foward and slips his cock inside of me, at first its cold but as he thrusts deeper inside me his cock gets warm from my heat. I moan softly as he starts slow but suddenly he speeds up and gets rough, grabbing my throat and moaning breathlessly. My moans get louder and more intense as he begins to rub my clit and whisper, "good girl" over and over in my ear. His movements get messy as he tightens his grip on my throat. "Such a pathetic little human..your body was begging to be fucked.." He speeds up more and more as we both feel the pressure build up. My face gets warm and red as he lets go of my throat and grabs the scruff of my neck being so rough that I dont feel I can take it anymore, before I can even think about it I orgasm and my body looses control, I spasm. He pulls out and cums all over my thighs and stomach. "Such a good girl..I think I'll keep you as my pet.." he says before kissing my head and picking me up, he carrys me to his old dust covered bed and lets me lay down for awhile, I drift off to sleep.

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