brothers best friend (pt. 1)

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I walk into the house after school and my 20 year old brother is sitting on the couch smoking with his best friend. Me and him haven't seen each other since we broke up back in ninth grade, my brother typically tells me he's over so I can avoid him. I ignore his existence and go into the kitchen but he follows me.
"Well, you're different." He says, smirking.
"I may be but I'm sure you're still immature." I fire back, already annoyed by him.
"You're the one with the attitude. I'm trying to make amends."
"No, you're trying to annoy me." I roll my eyes. He chuckles and then smirks at me.
"You're too fucking cute y'know that?" He says backing me up against the counter. "But I know for a fact the reason you avoid me is because I've still got you in a chokehold baby, and don't think I'm letting you out because you wanna get a bratitude." He places his hands on my hips and I immediately mentally fold.
Fucker.. I think to myself, placing my hands on the counter behind me. He gently places his hand on my throat and kisses my forehead.
"Keep your window unlocked tonight. We'll talk tonight once your brother goes to sleep." He orders, I nod. He lets go of me and walks back to the living room. I go to my room and slam the door, locking it behind me and screaming into my pillow.
"Uuuugh" I groan rolling over and staring at my ceiling. "This is gonna turn out bad" I doze off and a few hours later I get woken up by my window opening. I sit up and he's climbing through it, a devious smirk growing on his face.
"Avoiding me was an evil thing to do...being in this house with your brother and the lasting scent of you being everywhere yet not being able to see you.." He steps closer. "You're evil, you know that?" I roll my eyes at him. He pulls me in aggressively by my throat. "Do. Not. Roll your fucking eyes at me, slut."
"Fuck you." I smirk.
"If that's what you want." He picks me up. I wrap my legs around his hips and he lays me down on the bed laying on top of me, his hand still on my throat. He smacks my thigh. "You're such a pathetic little whore." He takes on a pocket knife and holds it to my throat. "You're gonna take my cock like one too.."
"No- I-" He puts his hand over my mouth.
"You dont get to to tell me no, not when I've been waiting for this for 3 fucking years." He presses his blade into my throat. He lifts up my skirt and pushes my panties to the side, pulling the knife away from my throat and rubbing the handle of it on my clit. He smirks then suddenly cuts through the sides of my panties and tears them off. "Do not make a fucking sound, got me?" As he says that I make an attempt to sit up and he chokeslams me back down to the bed and slaps my outer thigh, hard. I whimpered softly as his eyes pierced my soul. He pulls me by my legs to the edge of the bed and flips me over. "Move and I'll cut you." He says, placing his knife on my tailbone and pulling my shirt up, he picks his knife back up and yanks my skirt down, he wraps my shirt around my hands and opens up my bra. He places the knife right next to my hip and picks up my candle thats on my nightstand then lights it a moment of silence passes and without warning he pours the hot wax on my skin, I flinch and begin to squirm a bit. He grabs his knife and with the pinching feeling of his blade on my thigh he slashes one decent cut into it. My thigh feels like its on fire after and I begin to tear up. "What did I say slut? I fucking warned you." He pours more hot wax on my back, I whine into my blankets trying not to be too loud and alert my brother, he lands one harsh smack down on my ass with his hand and chuckles. "I bet if I feel that pussy of yours, you're gonna be wet..I know you enjoy it rough.." He squats down and licks the blood off my thigh from the wound, groaning at the taste. "You taste so sweet baby~" he takes his thumb and rims it over my entrance. "You are so fucking wet for me" He lands another harsh slap down on my ass. He then picks up the candle and puts more wax on me.
"Oww, No more.." I whine. He slaps my ass.
"I say when its enough." He pours more, I grip the bed sheets so hard my knuckles turn white. He lands another blistering smack on my ass. I attempt to squirm away but he just pulls me back. He takes the knife and cuts my other thigh, I cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure. As terrifying as this is for me, it feels so good. "Stay. Still." He growls in my ear. I get chills all down my body. He takes off his belt and smacks my ass with it, I make a very loud groan/moan noise as my ass and thighs sting. He gets down to my ear again. "I am gonna fuck you until you can't walk.." He says, I shake my head 'no' but he just laughs. "Your wet pussy tells me otherwise..I know your safeword.." he takes off his shirt then his pants and boxers, I feel his dick rub against my slit then he slowly pushes himself in. He starts slowly then speeds up as he goes. THWACK he smacks my ass, I moan softly as he speeds up, my wet pussy sloshing around his hard cock. He begins to get rougher and faster, his breath picking up with my loud moans. "Fuck, you're so tight baby~" he says, harshly railing my swollen red pussy. He pulls out and turns me around into a missionary position, grabbing my throat and railing me just as hard as before. The impact feels so good yet kinda painful, but I love it. As he rails me he picks up the candle and pouts more on me, going in and out of my pussy, he puts down the candle and picks up his knife and cuts my boob, I moan loudly in pain and my eyes tear up, he keeps going, rougher and rougher. He begins to rub my clit in circles and before I know it an orgasm more powerful than I've ever had rushes over my body and I start twitching. He pulls out and cums all over my stomach. I lay there defeated, unable to move. "Good girl.." he says, picking me up and pulling me onto his lap. "Such a perfect baby..lets get you cleaned up ok?" He says, I nod. He sets me back on the bed and grabs some rags to clean up the blood, cum and wax. He puts some bandages on the back of my thighs. "Where are your sheets and blankets hun?" He asks, I very lazily point at my closet. He takes some out and sets them next to me. He gets changed and puts his pocket knife on my dresser before pulling me off the bed and sitting me in my office chair by my desk. He tosses my old sheets and blankets in the trash because the wax and blood stained them and replaces them. He pulls a nightgown out of my dresser and pulls it over my sore body before picking me back up, taking me back to the bed and cuddling me to sleep

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