Predator & prey

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Me and my dom stand at the start of a huge forest as he explains the rules of this new game to me.
"Alright Princess," he says "I am gonna give you a 3 minute headstart, you're gonna go run and hide. Once I catch you I get to do what I want, you understand?" I nod.
"What are my rules?" I ask.
"Rules?" He laughs, "oh baby, only rule is that you run like hell and if I catch you, you're fucked...quite literally."
"So..Im prey?" I ask, nervous but excitement takes over.
"Pretty much" he chuckles, pulling a timer out of his pocket. "Ready?" He asks, I nod. "Go" as soon as I hear that word, I take off running as fast as I can through the woods. I get as far as I possibly can and then climb a tree, hiding far up in the branches. Awhile later I hear him calling me in the distance.
"Princess~ come out come out wherever you are~" He says. My breath hitches in fear and excitment as I cling onto the tree. "Come on darling~" I hear him chuckle wryly as he gets closer. A moment passes...Hes right beneath me now and he slowly looks up. "Hey there beautiful..I figured you'd climb..get down here." He says, his smirk growing.
"Hm. How about you come get me? I don't know any prey that comes straight to their predators.." I say, he chuckles and begins to climb the tree, once he gets close I climb down and jump once I am close enough to the ground to not break my legs. I take off and run from him as fast as I can. I hear him behind me so I dont bother to look back, I just keep running until he grabs my wrist, pulls me back and chokeslams me into a tree and before I can protest he kisses me, tightening his grip. Suddenly he loosens his grip and stops kissing me. He brushes my hair from my face. "So beautiful.." He mutters, smiling softly. He takes off his jacket and lays it on the ground then snaps and points at it which is our signal for me to get on my knees so I slowly walk over and kneel down on his jacket, putting my hands behind my back. "Good girl.." He takes off his belt and puts it down on the ground next to me and takes down his pants and boxers exposing his hard and throbbing cock, I whimper softly. "Such a pathetic little slut." He taps his dick on my lips and I open my mouth, he slips his cock down my throat and begins to face fuck me, groaning. He pulls my hair hard as he face fucks me. "Spread your legs and touch yourself for me baby.." He groans, I gag as my eyes tear up, ruining my makeup but do as he says and spread my legs, rubbing myself beneath my skirt, moaning loudly as he face fucks me faster. "God you're throat feels so good baby~" he moans, his movements get sloppy as his cock begins to pulse. My body begins to stiffen as I get close and suddenly, and at the same time, we both cum. "Swallow" he growls, his hand still tangled in my hair. I do so and stick my tounge out to show him, he smirks, kisses me and releases my hair. "Good girl.."

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