Mommies little brat (part two)

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Authors note: This is a part 2 to a short story on my old account SycoMatroness, if you want part one go check it out on that account.

I wake up the next day, its saturday so I dont have work. My submissive is out of bed and the TV is on downstairs, I slowly drag myself out of bed and down the stairs. He made a mess in the kitchen trying to make himself pancakes, he did his best to try and clean it though.
     "Baby, why didn't you just wait for me to get up?" I say, walking out to him. He pridefully holds up a plate with slightly undercooked pancakes on it, his face is covered in flour. He's got a big smile that is hard to be mad at. I chuckle softly, shaking my head at him. "Next time just wait for mommy, ok?" I say, he nods and then goes back to watching his anime. Cleaning is the last thing I wanted to do today so I just pulled an energy drink out of the fridge and sat down next to him. He points at my energy drink as I crack it open and take a sip. "What? You want some?" I ask, he silently nods with a big smile on his face. "Baby you know this stuff makes you sick, want some juice instead?" I ask, his smile drops but he nods once more. I walk to the kitchen a get him a bottle of fruit punch and come back out and hand it to him, I dont sit down though, I go back into the bedroom and pick out an outfit for him for the day. When I come back my energy drink is half empty, he has a guilty little look on his face and he cant look at me. "Baby?" I say, squatting down in front of him.
     "Hm?" He replies, still not looking at me despite me being directly face to face with him.
     "You wanna explain why my monster is half empty?" I say, putting my hand on his leg.
      "Im sorry mommy- I couldnt help it- I smelled it and it smelled so good and I took a sip and it led to another sip- and well-" His voice is shaky.
     "You know energy drinks make you sick, baby..." I sigh "go upstairs and wait, I'll deal with you after I clean up the mess you made in the kitchen." He whimpers but reluctantly heads up the steps. I go into the kitchen, trying to plot a punishment thats not too harsh but is enough for him to realize that doing something that could be dangerous for him is not ok. I clean and about twenty minutes later I head upstairs with a plan. "You know why I am gonna punish you baby?" I say, coming in and closing the door behind me. He shakes his head 'no'. "You did two things today that could cause you harm. You've never made pancakes before and could've burned yourself and on top of that you drank my energy drink which makes you sick."
     "'re gonna hurt me for potentially hurting myself-?" He asks.
     "No baby, Im not gonna hurt you. Im gonna make you feel good until you cant take it anymore." As the words come out of my mouth his face gets cherry red. "Take your clothes off darling. And grab the lotion out of the drawer." He doesnt hesitate. He takes off his clothes quickly and grabs the lotion. "Now..what you're gonna do is you're gonna touch yourself, and once you get close you're gonna tell me." I watch his cock raise as he gets hard. He puts some lotion on his hand amd begins pumping his cock, moaning softly as he does. "Look at me baby, do not let your eyes leave mine." He opens his eyes and looks into mine. "Good boy baby.." He doesnt look away, but he does speed up.
     "M-Mommy~" He moans, staring into my eyes. His moans and whimpers fill the room as he pleasures himself. I lean against the door just watching him, his pretty little eyes gloss over and his movements get sloppy "Mommy~ Im close~"
     "Keep going, but don't cum. You will not cum without my permission." I say strictly. He slows down quite a bit trying to compose himself. "This is gonna happen over and over until I feel you've learned your lesson." I say, he whimpers in response.
     "Mommy, please- Im so sorry, please let me cum, please-" he begins to beg.
     "Shut up and keep going before I tape your pretty mouth shut." I say, he whimpers and continues slowly. "Speed up, slut." I grumble, he does so. Unable to control himself, he cums all over his stomach and legs. I sigh, slowly walking over to him. "You cant follow simple directions?" I glare at him, he whimpers and looks down. "Get cleaned up then bend over the bed. Ill give you ten hits from the strap for finishing and then I'll give you aftercare." He very hesitantly stands up and goes to the bathroom to clean up, as hes cleaning up I go over to the closet and get out a new strap I havent spanked him with yet. He comes back out and stares at me.
      "Thats..- I-" he stutters, staring at the strap.
      "Oh yeah, this ones new baby..a lot bend over the bed.." I stare at him menacingly, I feel like I can see his heart drop to his toes. He makes his way over to the bed and bends over it. "You know the safeword." I say before drawing the strap back and THWACK! One harsh hit down, 9 more to go. All he does is gasp and jolt. His ass immediately begins to turn red already. "This is gonna bruise" I chuckle. THWACK a harsher and louder hit this time he yells out in pain. THWACK
     "OW! Mommy!!" He whines.
     "Shut up and take it." THWACK He yells out once more then whimpers. THWACK THWACK THWACK He begins to cry and whimper. "Red?" I ask, he shakes his head. "3 more" THWACK THWACK He shouts out again but it kinda gets caught in his throat. "Last one." He whimpers. THWACK one hard hit with all of my strength, it mustve hurt so bad that he couldnt get a noise out because the room was filled with silence. His ass is already bruising. I start to feel a bit guilty so I start aftercare. "Stay still hunny.." I cover him with a blanket. "I forgive you for misbehaving and for finishing early..its alright, its all over now sweet did so good for me..just stay still mommy will be right back.." I go into the bathroom and turn on some warm water in the bathtub. I go downstairs and grab a juice and some snacks. I come back upstairs and sit on the bed. As soon as I do he sits up and clings onto me sitting on my lap. "Shhh...its ok baby...I got you some juice to regain your energy and some snacks.." I open the juice and he chugs it down. "I love you baby" I whisper, brushing his long hair out of his face.
     "I love you too mommy.." He grabs a pack of the fruit snacks I brough up and starts snacking.
     "Im running you a shower, afrer you finish those lets go to the bathroom and I'll wash you up" I whisper, he nods. He finishes the fruit snacks and I walk him to the bathroom.


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