professor x student

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I walk around the back of dorms after curfew to smoke a cigarette. Im watching my phone waiting for my friend to text me when my body slams into someone else's. I stumble backwards but the man grabs my arm and yanks me towards him, grabbing my waist to hold me up. Once Im stable he lets go, but Im still close to him, I look up at him and shit..its my homeroom professor.
"What are you doing out here this late..?" He asks, his tone menacing and threatening. He smells of cigarettes and cologne.
"Uh..sleep walking?" The first excuse that comes to my mind HAD to be the lamest and worst one.
"Oh yeah?" He scoffs. "You wanna make a better excuse than that? Youre about 3 hours after cerfew." He takes his finger and hooks it under my chin to make me look him in his eyes. "Youre such a perfect little girl in my classroom..a perfect score what exactly is it you could be doing?" He says, stepping closer, our bodys pretty much touching minus one millimeter. Chills form across my skin as I feel his warmth radiating from his skin. His black wifebeater hugs his abs as his sleeve tattoos glisten in the soft street lights. I feel the words catch in my throat as I try to speak, he just smirks. "You wanna answer me?" He says, I've never seen him like this, I never even knew he had tattoos. I'm so caught up in my thoughts I cant even bring myself to consider speaking. His smirk widens into a devious grin as he looks into my eyes, his graze pierces my soul.
"I- I was- I-" I stutter out, I cant form real words. He raises his eyebrows at me, his look says 'oh yeah?' And I just melt at this new found attraction for him.
"I see. You arent the sweet little girl I assumed you were." He plucks the cigarettes from my pocket, I go to reach for them but he holds them out of reach. He places his hand on my upper chest, right at the base of my throat to keep me from getting closer to him. I feel the heat in my cheeks as my face turns red. "Naughty girl.." He says, "you're only what? Nineteen? Thats illegal. At least for another 2 years." He smirks.
"Just- uh- please-" I mutter.
"Oh..? You want me to give them back..?" He chuckles softly. "Use your words darling.." He grins, I step backwards as I know Im getting worked up but he grabs the scruff of my neck and yanks me back to him, my body slams into his. I gasp softly, staring up at him in shock. "Use your words." He repeats, stricter this time.
"P-Please give them back-" I mutter.
"Louder, I cant hear you." His tone gets aggressive and demanding.
"Give them back..please.." I say a bit louder.
"Good girl.." His smirk appears again and I cant help but melt, he slips the cigarettes back into my pocket. "Oh..poor thing.. your face is so red.." He chuckles wryly. "Thats pathetic." He still has his hand on the back of my neck so I cant go anywhere. A shiver goes down my spine as I look up at him, his eyes are so predatory and he's looking at me like I'm his prey. "So pathetic yet so beautiful.." He brushes my hair out of my face. He grabs my hand and pulls me into the empty parking lot, no people..and its a secluded road. "I'm gonna teach you a lesson for smoking illegally.." He bends me over the hood of his car, smirking as he does it and lands a harsh smack down on my ass, I yipe and grip the sides of the trunk. He takes down my sweatpants and unbuttons his jeans. He pushes my panties to the side and pulls his cock out. "You want this baby?" He asks, I nod desperately. He slowly inserts his cock into me. "So wet baby..I guess just the sight of me makes you wet huh?" He grabs my hair and begins to fuck my pussy, starting gently. "Ugh, fuck're so fucking tight.." He begins to speed up as our moans and heavy breaths fill the parking lot. His hand lands another stinging slap on my ass, I moan louder. "Mm~ you like that baby?" He gets rougher, gripping my hair tightly. I feel myself getting close while he hits my g-spot over and over with his cock. "I feel you tensing up..are you close princess?" He says breathlessly. "Already?"
"Yes sir! Please..~" I moan, he keeps going at the same pace and the same roughness, making sure I can cum. A powerful orgasm rushes over me and my legs fall weak but he holds me up and keeps going. "Such a good girl..just hold on a little longer for me.." He says, speeding up and getting rougher. "I'm almost there.." he groans. A moment later he pulls out and glazes me with his cum. "Good good for me.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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