🍃Book 1 Air: Chapter 3: Journey and Longing🍃

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It's been a year since Izumi was sent away by her mother. For the first couple of months, she was able to go to Whaletail Island as her first destination, and she visited Kyoshi Island, where she had just disembarked a couple of days before. Izumi stayed at Kyoshi Island most of the time and was warmly welcomed by Hashi, the town elder, for whom he attended to being good friends with Isumi's mother.

Izumi POV:

Being there on Kyoshi Island, I met a girl named Suki, who was almost my age. We became best friends, even when she knew my mother was from the Fire Nation. She would go on and on about training to become a Kyoshi warrior. To my dismay, I was able to attend a couple of the training sessions and was able to learn about their fighting styles and picked up a thing or two about combat, which was very different from how it was taught to me in the Fire Nation Palace.

I was also able to learn more about the Avatar cycle, which I was always so enamored with, and I learned more about Avatar Kyoshi herself.

After spending almost 5 months there, I did not want to leave. I needed to be off on my journey and had to part ways, which was sad, but I knew I would see all of my Kyoshi friends again and see Suki again soon, maybe even as a Kyoshi warrior.

I was on the sea for many days, to what my mother mentioned in her letter about fire nation history and the legend of a dragon living deep within the earth's kingdom mountains. One of the three dragons of legend slumbers in the mountains aside from the other two, who were known to be deities of the Sun Warriors. It was interesting to investigate, so I decided to head there.

Upon my third day, I could see land and stationed my boat near the coast. I was able to change my attire and was gifted very nice satin green clothes from Suki as a parting gift. But I was still searching for any Fire Nation scrolls, especially anything about the spirit world I wanted to know more about.

Arriving at the earth colony port, I went into the heart of the town and looked around for a shop.

I looked around, people bustling around selling fruits, nuts, and other knick nacks.

"Come see our curios! We've got everything from the ordinary to NONORDINARY!" said a man with a hoop earring.

"You young lady! I'm sure a beauty such as yourself would find prized jewelry or silk robes to adorn yourself with in our shack of curios, all at a great price!" he said, beckoning me towards the shop.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to look around for a bit–"

"Excellent!" he said, putting both hands on my shoulders and leading me up a ramp to a big ship, which was inside and filled with treasures and artifacts from all over the four nations.

It was a quaint shop and lo' and behold, there was a rack with all kinds of scrolls.

One caught my eye, which was a water tribe scroll. It contained different stances for water bending, but I didn't need it. A parchment of paper rolled up with an old Fire Nation insignia at the end of it very much faded.

It was about a fire dragon dance. A form of fire-bending that was lost to the fire nation's peoples eons ago. It held the poses as well as some history behind it.

I walked up to the guy in the front of the shop who seemed to look like the owner.

"Hi, I would like to buy this, please," I said as I handed him the scroll.

"Hmmm, this one's been on that rack gathering dust for ages...I'll do you 20 silver pieces." He says as he pets his pet bird.

"You got yourself a deal!" I say as I hand him over the money.

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