A trick

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A/N: Malconnor is a beautiful fanon ship. Yes fanon. Anyways I have only seen about 5 fanfics on this so I decided ima make one. If you read any of my other books you should know all the ships I adore and love. And I'm to lazy to name them.


*Connor's Pov*
Travis and I were discussing on who we were gonna prank next.

"Oo we could do the Athena cabin!" Travis suggested.

"Yes! We haven't pranked them in so long!" I jumped up and down.

"Well, I'm going to go find a fake spider!" He skipped off. I was so ready to prank the Athena cabin. Why because they always seem to out smart us so payback! I walked over to the dining pavilion for lunch. I sat down with my siblings. Ima have to say that the cheese burger was delicious. After I ate I went to go meet up with Leo.

"Hey Leo!" I waved. He jumped and turned to look at me.

"Don't sneak up on me like that, anyway do you have the stuff?" He asked.

"Yep!" I said handing him a bag.

"Your the best Connor!" He hugged me.

"I know I am, so how's your crush with Jason going?" I asked sitting on a table. He blushed at the word "Jason".

"Y-yeah know, I haven't told him yet, he's dating Piper." He admitted. He sounded disappointed.

"Hey Leo it's gonna be okay, I can steal his heart for you!" I suggested.

Leo laughed. "I think I'm supposed to steal his heart but thanks for the kind offer."

"Connor!" Will called. I waved him over. He jogged up to us. His blue eyes twinkled.

"What's up Will!" Leo hugged him. Will hugged him back.

"Oh nothing much but Nico is being stubborn again!" The son of Apollo complained.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Nico being Nico when he's in a mood." Will sat beside me.

"So Connor got any lovers?" Leo asked.

"Uh no not really." I admitted. "I never stole someone's heart before."

"You'll find the right person and hey maybe you'll get lucky and not have a stubborn son of whomever." Will put his hand on my shoulder. Only Travis, Leo, and Will knew I was gay. I smiled. I knew that was not true. I never had feelings for anyone except maybe Miranda from Demeter cabin when I was like 9.

Jason came walking over with Piper.

"Hey guys!" Piper waved. I waved right back at her. Leo stopped on his little project and gave her a quick hug.

"Hey Connor, I normally see you with Travis." Jason looked around.

"Oh well we are pranking the Athena cabin so he just went to get the stuff." I explained.

"Does it involve spiders?" Jason asked.

"No it involves snakes. " I said sarcastically. Will shuddered when I mentioned a snake. Oh right Apollo kids are scared of snakes.

"Annabeth is going to kill you!" Piper said sitting on the other side of me. Jason went over to help Leo with his little project.

"Eh let her. I don't really care." I shrugged.

"So Piper how's your relationship with Jason going?" Will asked.

"Oh right about that, me and him broke up today." She explained in a hushed tone. "We are still friends but the relationship was kinda forced by Hera. And also Jason likes someone else." She motioned towards Leo. I bit my cheek not to squeal. Will looked like he was struggling to keep his cool.

"Connor you ready?" Travis asked. He came out of thin air.

"Yeah let's go before they get back." I hopped off the table. We ran to the Athena cabin. All of them were at lunch so perfect timing. We snuck around some traps and headed in. It was empty and filled with books and blueprints. We put the spider hanging from the roof and some other tiny ones around the room. We snuck back out and ran to the hill. Katie came and took Travis away. I walked back to the group and Nico was there talking to a son of Apollo. I sat back where I was sitting.

"All done and complete!" I said wiping the sweat from my arms.

"You actually did it?" Will asked.

"Yep its hanging and there are little tiny spiders around the room." I explained.

"Are you pranking the Athena cabin?" Nico asked. I nodded. "I'm going to go plan your funeral." He said walking towards his cabin. I laughed off the comment. Lunch was over so me and Travis should run but we didn't. Every single Athena kid went into the cabin.

"Rip." Piper whispered.

"For real." Will agreed.

"You'll hide me right?" I asked.

"Sorry but your on your own." Leo said turning away from his project to watch the show go down. I counted down from 3 and when it hit 1 the Athena cabin filled with screams. I couldn't help but burst into laughter. That's what they get.
Piper and Leo also burst into laughter. I got off the table and headed down to the Athena cabin.

"Oh no what happened?" I asked putting my best sympathetic look ever.

"S-spider." A boy who had blonde hair and grey eyes with glasses who looked to be my age pointed inside. I looked closer at the boy. It was Malcolm, Malcolm Pace.

"Oh my gods is everyone ok?" I asked. Annabeth turned and walked straight up to me.

"You did this didn't you!" She yelled pointing a finger at me.

"And what if I did?" I asked. She mouthed "run". So I did. I ran towards the infirmary. That's the only place everyone knows violence is prohibited. I ran inside. Luckily nobody was in there. Annabeth didn't come in but I could here her cursing me out outside the door. After awhile I left. I didn't feel like staying in there anymore. Chiron took me and Travis to the big house.
After we got our punishment from Chiron we went for dinner. The punishment was to help the Demeter and Athena kids build a green house. Hephaestus was for the building but we needed to paint and work to finish it. I hated building. We sat down at our table. I looked over at the Athena cabin and my eyes caught Malcolm's. I quickly turned my head away from him. Those stormy grey eyes looked so relaxed and fierce at the same time. I could look into them forever. Ew stop thinking like that, I thought scolding myself. I wasn't hungry so I left for my cabin. Once I got into my cabin I crashed on my bed. I was exhausted. The last thought I had was Malcolm. I scolded myself for that later.

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