A plan

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*Malcolm's Pov*
I was going to kill Travis and Connor later. Luckily the spiders were taken out. I looked over at Connor. I stared at him for a minute before he met my eyes. He quickly turned his head away. He got up and left towards his cabin. I sighed at him leaving. Why did I feel disappointed?

"You ok bro?" Annabeth asked putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah I'm just tired." I answered. Speaking of tired I was actually exhausted. I've been up for 3 days straight reading. (Just like me Malcolm)

I finished my dinner and headed to my cabin. I went over to my bunk and organized my books that were stacked next to my bed. I went to the bathroom and got changed into some sweat pants and a hoodie. I sat on my bed and passed out. Thankfully no dreams.

I woke up before my siblings. It was 4 am and I couldn't sleep anymore. I grabbed my almost finished book and headed outside. Only Kayla and Austin were awake. I looked over and the light was on at the infirmary. Will Solace was overworking himself again. I sighed and headed to Thalia's tree. I sat down leaning against it. I opened my book and read through it till the sun came up. I enjoyed the sun coming up. It was the most beautiful time of the day, so was sunset. The cool air started to warm up. I walked to the dining pavilion and Will came up to me.

"Hey Malcolm!" He waved cheerfully. I saw right through him that he was up all night. His eyes were red and puffy. His bags were not helping.

"Dude go to sleep, then come talk to me." I demanded. He blinked. "I can tell you have been up all night, go to bed now." I demanded again. He was about to say something but he yawned. I crossed my arms and gestured towards his cabin. He sighed out of defeat and walked off. Kayla and Austin were staring at me.

"How did you?" Austin pointed towards the Apollo cabin. I shrugged.

"Dude teach me your ways!" Kayla demanded sarcastically.

"Basic psychology." I offered. They nodded and went back to whatever they were talking about. I sighed and sat at my table looking over the book I had. Luckily I didn't get the dyslexia perk of being a half-blood. I just got the ADHD. My dad used to run a library so I grew up with a lot of books around. The first monster that came for me I fought off with a dictionary. Great weapon against a spider. I smiled at the memory of little me fighting a big monster with a dictionary. I got no scratch on me. That was like 5 years ago, the simple times. I went back to my cabin and got the blueprints. All my siblings were still asleep. I walked back to the dining pavilion. I laid down my sketch pad and the blueprints.

"Wow the green house is looking great." Kayla complimented.

"Thank you, but it still needs a little adjusting." I explained.

"I can help if you want." She offered.

"No need, I've got it handled but thank you." I answered. She hummed in agreement and took her brother to the Archery range. I sat down and started sketching again.

I put the last touch on it when people started to come out there cabins. I took the stuff back to Athena cabin and put it on my bed. I put the book in my completed pile.

"Malcolm what are you doing up?" Annabeth asked. Her voice was raspy.

"I was working on the green house." I explained. She sighed and stuck her head back into her pillow. I realized she was wearing one of Percy's hoddie's. I love there relationship so much. I shook my head and stopped my fangirling or is it fanboying? I have no idea.

"Have anyone special?" She asked finally getting up. I shook my head focusing on the blueprints. "I really need to set you up with someone." She complained. I sighed and focused back on the task on hand.

"Oh right before I forget can you go get the Stolls?" I asked looking over at Annabeth.

"Yep, I'll go get them after breakfast." She agreed. I was not hungry so I stayed back when all my siblings left for breakfast. I paced the room with my sketch pad trying to figure what I was missing. Someone burst through the door but I paid no mind to it.

"Why aren't you at breakfast?" Someone asked. I knew that annoying sweet voice, Connor Stoll.

"I'm not hungry." I responded still pacing. My stomach had to growl.

"Sure blondie come on let's go get you some breakfast." He walked over and put my sketch pad on the bed. He grabbed me by the wrist and walked out towards the pavilion. We split and I sat next to my siblings. I had some scrambled eggs for breakfast and they were delicious. After I finished my breakfast Katie ran up to me.

"You already?" She asked.

"Yeah but let me say bye to my sister." I explained walking off to Thalia's tree. Annabeth and Percy were standing hand in hand next to blackjack. Leo, Jason, Piper, Will, and Nico were all saying bye to them. We will see them in two weeks but I always missed Annabeth. Annabeth saw me and she came running to give me a hug.

"Good luck and IM me when you find a boyfriend." She whispered in my ear. I shook my head and hugged her back. She let go and kissed my cheek before heading back to the small group on the hill. I headed back to the dining pavilion and found Katie and Meg waiting for me with the Stolls.

"You guys ready?" I asked twisting my pen in my hand.

"Yep!" Meg said.

"I'm so glad to get this done finally." Katie agreed.

Travis rolled his eyes "No I'm not." Katie smacked his head with her fist.

"I guess." Connor sounded annoyed. Why was he annoyed? Was it because of me? I shook those thoughts away and we all went to work.

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