A plant

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*Connor's Pov*
Me and Travis were stuck on planting duty. I hate planting with a passion. I don't know why I hate it but I always have. It's so boring. Malcolm kept glancing over at us sometimes. Katie was instructing us on how to plant. Travis was flirting with Katie the whole time she was teaching us. Katie ignored his actions.

"Connor." Malcolm called out. I looked over and he waved me over. I got up and walked over.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Can you go grab the notebook you threw on my bed?" He asked. I nodded and skipped off. Once I got to the Athena cabin I walked in and over to Malcolm's bed. I picked it up. The walls were lined with books and desks all around. Coffee cups were scattered everywhere. Malcolm had a pile of books next to his bed. I opened the notebook without thinking. The sketches of the green house were beautiful. I closed it and skipped back out. I skipped up to Malcolm and handed him the book.

"Thanks Connor." Malcolm said. His grey eyes looked focused and prepared. That's what I admired about Athena kids they always have a plan. I offered a smile and he returned it. His smile looked so genuine. He gestured foe me to follow and walked off to where they were building it. I followed after him. Anything to get off plant duty. Malcolm talked to the Demeter and Hephaestus kids so professionally. He looked cu-. What are you thinking, I thought scolding myself.

I saw a butterfly flying around where they were trying to work. A snake slithered out of the bushes to a Demeter kid. The kid picked it up and it placed gently back in the bushes. Bees were flying around and landing on flowers. The grass was green and looked lively. Malcolm set me off to help with the building. I loved that idea. I would be close to Malcolm but not to close.
It was almost dinner time when we finished. It wasn't completely done but the glass wall and roof was up. It was pretty big. It had no plants in it yet. That was tomorrow's job. The snake was back. It slithered over to me and around my leg. It was like a foot long. It was green. It wasn't a rattle snake or anything poisonous. I gently picked it up and it slithered up my arm to my neck. I guess he likes me, I thought. I walked over to Malcolm. He was just finishing talking to the Demeter kids about tomorrow. He looked at me and his eyes were glazed over. He must be tired. Poor thing. His eyes opened wide.

"Is that a snake?" He asked pointing to my neck.

"Yep, it likes me." I answered petting the top of the snakes neck.

"You know Apollo kids hate snakes right?" He asked shaking his head.

"I forgot about that." I admitted. "Well I'll just put it in my cabin before anyone sees it."

"Malcolm, Connor!" Will ran up to us.

"Hey Will!" I waved. He stopped dead in his tracks. He pointed to my neck and shrieked. Oh crap Will's an Apollo kid. Will backed away and ran over to the Hades cabin. Malcolm gave me a look like 'really you had to scare Will.' I smiled and skipped off to my cabin. I walked through the door and set my new friend on the floor. Travis ran up to it and picked it up.

"It's adorable!" He squealed.

"I know right!" I shared his excitement.

"What are we going to name him?" Travis asked.

"Ooo how about Bush." I suggested.

"Yes beautiful name for a beautiful snake!" Travis went over and put him in the tank we had for George and Martha if they ever wanted to hang out with us. Travis and I walked out for dinner.

After we sat down and started eating. Malcolm looked at me and shook his head. I gave him a smile and finished my pasta.

"You have a crush on Pace don't you?" Travis whispered in my ear. My cheeks and ears burned.

"No I don't, but what about Katie." I nudged him. He blushed at her name. I chuckled and got up. "See you in the morning bro." I walked off to my cabin and fell into bed. I stared at the ceiling. I didn't have a crush on Malcolm, I thought. He's just a friend. Nothing more. I don't think we are even friends. We only met each other personally like 2 days ago. I can't fall in love. I just can't.

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