A question

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*Malcolm's Pov*
I woke up to Connor shaking me.

"Come on get up!" He whispered-shouted.

"What?" I whispered back sitting up. He pulled me out of bed and out of my cabin. It looked to be 3:am. I couldn't see anything because I left my glasses inside.

"Connor my glasses!" I pointed back to my cabin.

"Stay right here." He said as I saw a blur run back into my cabin. Connor was so weird and unpredictable sometimes. I realized that the Harpies were out. I began to panic but someone but a hand on my shoulder. Connor handed me my glasses. I put them on.

"Connor what about the Harpies?" I asked.

"Don't worry they won't bother us." He explained.

"Why did you wake me up at 3 am?" I asked looking him in the eye.

"Because I need to show you something." Connor explained. He took my hand and gently pulled me along. I heart beated faster then capture the flag. And my heart beats fast during those games. Connor stopped at the green house. I was confused. He opened it up and he headed inside. I hesitated but followed. Plants were already growing. At the back of the green house was a large snake and an owl laying dead on the ground.

"Who did this?" I asked rushing over to the dead animals.

"Me and Chiron were trying to figure that out." Connor explained. He took the dead snake and kissed it.

"Connor that's disgusting." I scolded. I can't believe I wanted to kiss those lips.

"I don't care." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes and inspected the owl. It was brown and looked like a normal owl. I looked closer and it looked to bled out. Blood surrounded the owl and he had a huge "X" on his chest. The beak looked to be chipped away. Who did this?

"Who do you think did it?" I asked after a minute.

"Chiron said it could be a camper." Connor said placing the snake back down.

"I don't think it was a camper, I've met most of them and they don't seem to be the people to hurt any animals." I responded. Connor shrugged.

"But Mal, who could've done it?" Connor asked.

"Connor I have no idea." I said shaking my head.

"Wow a son of Athena has no idea, we're doomed." Connor said placing a hand to his forehead. I rolled my eyes. He gave me a huge grin that could light up the room. I could stare at him forever. His blue eyes always had a playful look to them. His hair looks like he just got out of bed like it always has. He had on a camp t-shirt and shorts. He broke the silence by explaining a dream he had the other day. It was about Athena and Hermes talking to the big three.

"Do you know what that means?" He asked.

"It means that we have dangers coming our way." I said.

"I told Chiron and he said to come today to talk to him about it." Connor explained. I was shaking. Connor looked concerned. I took a shaky breath and sat down my back against a glass wall. Connor sat next to me.

"It's gonna be ok, we make a perfect duo." He said trying his best not to shake. I could tell by his voice he was nervous.

"I'm just scared on what's to come." I whimpered. He took my glasses off me and wiped a tear that escaped.

"A demigods life is scary, but you have to be strong for everyone around you." He explained putting my glasses in his pocket. He wrapped an arm around me, making my stomach explode into butterflies.

"Y-you are r-really good at g-giving advice." I complimented. I curse myself silently for stuttering.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" He asked out of nowhere. My face felt like it was on fire.

"W-why?" I asked.

"Because I have a crush on someone and I wanted to know that I'm not alone." He admitted.

"Well your not, I have a crush on a boy." I explained.

"Your gay?" He asked.

"Is that ok?" I asked nervous. I really didn't want to ruin this friendship by me being gay.

"Oh yeah it's fine, I- I'm also gay." He admitted. I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding back.

"Oh thank the gods." I mumbled.

"Why thank the gods?" He asked. He heard me. Oh crap.

"N-no reason." I yelped.

He shrugged, "So who is your crush?"

My whole body felt like it was on fire. I didn't know how to respond to that. What was I gonna say. "You are my crush, I love you" I couldn't. Trust me I would do it but what if he doesn't like me back. Well he is gay and has a crush but what if I'm not his type. Percy screams about that all the time. I don't want to end up like him. My mouth felt dry and I tried to speak but no words came out.

"You don't have to tell me." He pulled me closer by him squeezing my arm.

Trust me Connor I want to so bad, I thought.

"W-whos your crush?" I asked trying to change the subject off of Mr.

"I'm not telling you if you ain't telling me." He shook his head.

"Oh come on, I'll be your best wingman and help you steal his heart like you stole..." I was about to say 'like you stole mine' but thankfully I caught myself.

"What did I steal?" He laughed. "The last thing I stole was a bag of chips."

"You are so dumb." I shook my head.

"Hey! How am I dumb?" He asked taking his hand away and crossing his arms. I could only see his outline without my glasses.

"Can I have my glasses back?" I asked.

"No, not until you tell me your crush." He shook his head. I lunged for his pocket but he was quicker and rolled out of the way. I crossed my arms and pouted.

"I-its you." I mumbled.

"What I didn't catch that." He said as he pulled out the glasses. I stared at him a little annoyed.

"I'm not repeating myself, now can I have my glasses." I reached my hand out. He put it in my hand before sitting back where he was. I put them on and saw Connor patting the ground next to him. I smiled and sat next to him.

"You know I heard you right?" He said in a serious tone.

"You did?!" My eyes went wide.

"Yep, and I feel the same way brainy boy." He smiled at me. I returned it.

"How long have you had these feelings?" I asked playfully.

"I think ever since we met." He played along. "How about you?"

"Right after the whole project." I motioned around us. He literally pulled me on his lap. I was facing him. His face so close to mine.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked. I smiled and leaned in. When our lips touched I felt like I was home. I felt like I was back in my dad's old bookstore. I pulled away and buried my head into his neck.

"Your adorable." He laughed.

I got to say this was one of the best nights of my life.


I love this so much! I knew if I was going to leave you on a cliffhanger it would take possibly 2 weeks for me to come up with something.

Finals are next week so wish me luck. My updating schedule is going to be wack till summer so bare with me. I may or may not post. I have no idea.

I love you all and have a great day/night!

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