Chapter 4

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Halt had just arrived back at Redmont, he had seen the two armour clad figures leave and had beat them back to Redmont, after all, they had decided to travel through the forest, Halt had good plans for them when they got to Redmont. You can't just knock out a Ranger and get away with it. Especially thieves, Halt hated thieves. 

He knew exactly who he needed for the job, he saw one of the thieves carrying a sword, so he would get two of the best swordsmen he knew to teach that thief a lesson. 


We arrived at Redmont just as the market people  were opening up their stalls. A lot of wealth to be gained there. But we needed to find the Barons study first. As long as we stayed in the shadows, we would be undetected, so we would be fine. 

It didn't take long for us to locate where the Baron resided. At Castle Redmont itself. Typical, higher ups thinking they are entitled to the best of the best. We guessed that his study was one of the towers, and with the intel Hana gave us we should be fine.

"Okay Fredon, I'll get inside the tower, you stay outside and make sure nobody comes in, okay?" I said as I dismounted Frost near one of the city walls. Fredon nodded.

"I'm not an idiot Raven" He said as he helped me unload.

"Well, you sure fooled me" I mumbled, but just loud enough for him to hear. He rolled his eyes before handing me a set of lock picks. 

"You'll probably be needing those" he said as he pulled out his bow and quiver of arrows. I nodded in reply, I highly doubted that the Baron's doors would be wide open , just waiting for me to come in. I was about to start making my way up the tower when Fredon grabbed my hand.

"Raven, be careful, okay?" He said, worry in his eyes. I was taken aback a bit, but I replied.

"You know me Fredon, I'm super careful when it comes to full scale heists" I winked before moving into the shadows, no one would be able to see me now.

The interior of Castle Redmont really was something, fine decorating, lavish furniture. I put some more expensive looking items into my satchel. You never know when you might need them. 

So far was good, no one had noticed me, and I was already over half way to the top. Still I couldn't shake this feeling that something bad was about to happen, that maybe I shouldn't have come here at all.

I was just about to ascend the stairwell when a man passed me, no other than the Baron himself. Wow. I'd count myself very lucky for that, what if he had been in his study when I had came in. 

This plan really wasn't thought through all that well.

I slipped past him through the shadows and began to ascend the staircase. I'd decide that I wpuld make the rest of the journey from the exterior of the tower. I'm a very good cover, and I couldn't shake this feeling that someone would be waiting for me outside the study.

My cloak whipped around me in the wind as I slowly guided myself around the exterior of the tower. I reached the window, it was made of stained glass and fortunately for me, it was unlocked. I quickly checked to see if anyone was inside. Clear.

I pushed the window pane open, it slid open easily, and I jumped into the room making a soft thud with my boots. I could see a desk laden with paperwork and quills. I pulled out the note and the Oakleaf and moved one of the papers on the desk. I glanced over it.

Dossier: Baron Corvel

My eyes stuck to it. They were on to Corvel as well? I quickly put that in my pocket and a hefty coin purse caught my eye.

That wouldn't hurt the Guild's funds.

I was just about to put it into my pocket when a hand grabbed my wrist. It was like steel crushing my hand. I let out a gasp and fell back, but the hand still held on tight.

I looked up and met eyes with a bearded man with a glare of steel. I noticed the Oakleaf around his own cloak and a shiver went through me.

"That doesn't belong to you, thief" He snarled at me.

As quickly as I could I lifted my leg, ready to kick him, I pulled back, and with all the force I could I propelled my leg towards him.

He caught it mid air with his other hand, leaving me to fall on my back side. I quickly scrambled to my feet, and made a bolt for the window. That jump would be suicide.

But hey, maybe suicide is better than facing a Ranger

He simply stood their in the corner and I made the jump through the window, I'd seen the hay below me and I was praying that would break my fall.

My cloak billowed around me as I plummeted through the air. I landed with a thump in the hay and luckily, nothing was broken, but I was definitely bruised. I groaned before I jumped to my feet. And standing in front of me was another Ranger, and what could only be a knight.

I let out a sigh before unsheathing my sword. I really hadn't wanted it to come to this.

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