Chapter 11

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The ranger was named Gilan, that was a small bit of information I'd discovered before I'd wandered off to my room last night. The ranger had got me thinking as I had sat alone in my room whilst the other's had been enjoying the 'festivities'. As the night carried on, I'd dozed off to sleep, and had one of my reoccurring dreams about my mother. When I had awoken, she was fresh in my mind. I remember my mother's blonde hair. I'd been so jealous of it when I was little, before my life  took a drastic turn that lead me to the Thieves Guild. I remember the sweet smell of her hair, and how soft it was to touch. I remember this, but I don't remember her face. Maybe my memory blocked it out because it was too painful. Maybe I was too young to remember all that detail. Not being able to remember her face helps me now though, helps me keep moving forward towards my goal. Towards the Baron's death because he took more than just my mother from me. He took my childhood and my precious time with family from me, and because of that, he has to suffer.

I exhaled sharply as I shook the thoughts of Baron Corvel out of my head. It wouldn't help me with my current task, which was trying to find Fredon before the Rangers came to get us for the days planning. He hadn't returned after last night's party and I imagined he was passed out somewhere, probably the stable, about to be found by someone who wouldn't be as  kind to him as I would. Once again I'd easily crept out of my room as no one had bothered to put a lock on it even though I'd already snuck out. 

With my overcoat on I made my way down to the stable in search of my passed out friend.

And just as I had predicted, his limp body lay amongst the hay. He looked like a child's doll, lying blissfully unaware of the bucket of ice water that was being held inches from his face. With the flick of my wrist I sent the downpour of water directly onto Fredon's head. 

He let out a shriek as his limbs flailed about, a disorientated look on his face. 

"Well hello Sleeping Beauty." I grinned at him, taking a step back to make sure I was not within hitting distance. 

"Bloody hell Raven! I'm freezing!" He said, jumping onto his feet. 

"You're also sleeping in a stable." I pointed out to him. He rolled his eyes at the statement, I mean truly I was surprised he was capable of such a function considering how much he'd drunk last night. 

"Come on Fredon, you have to get ready before our meeting with the rangers." I said impatiently.

"You know, if I didn't know any better Raven, I'd say you were scared of the rangers." Fredon retorted as he made his way towards the stables exit.

"Well thankfully I do know better. I'm cautious, not scared." 

We slowly made our way back to our quarters as Fredon discussed the past evenings ventures. I snorted in a very unladylike manner as Fredon described the knife throwing competition that had taken place, a competition he had miserably failed at. 

I found myself settling into the familiar nervousness that accompanied being in the presence of rangers. I wasn't scared though. 

Once we arrived in the foyer of the castle, Fredon insisted he was ready for our meeting to commence. 

"Not dressed like that you're not." I'd remarked, tactfully mind you. With a roll of the eyes Fredon made his way back to his room, and I was once again left alone, well unfortunately not as alone as I would have liked to be. 

"Well, we mustn't make a habit of meeting like this." 


"Like what? I'm acting a model citizen this time." I quipped.

"Ah, but you're thinking about doing something illegal." He raised his eyebrows in an over confidently manner. 

"Right... well I'll leave the superstitious mind reading to you, but we have a meeting to get to."

We made our way to what I assumed to be some sort of council chambers, a large mahogany table surrounded by illustrious chairs. Everybody was already in attendance minus Fredon, I probably should've waited for him. No later than I'd thought of him did he stumble through the door looking marginally more presentable. 

Stoic, old Halt spoke up. "Let us begin." 

The meeting proceeded as any boring, bureaucratic meeting would, and I could feel my eyelids closing multiple times, nothing important was being covered, and Corvels name had barely been mentioned once. 

That's why, when Halt finally mentioned it again my head perked up.

"We know that Baron Corvel is partaking in clandestine matters, he's failed to respond to numerous enquirers from the crown as to the distribution of his fiefs taxes, and multiple sources have confirmed he has been receiving shipments of unidentified products." 

"So, what do you plan to do about this?" I asked eagerly, leaning towards Halt over the table. "I mean, can't you just take him into custody?"

Halts lips thinned. "Not without sufficient and substantial evidence we can't." He paused before continuing, "However, we could send in a scouting party into his fief, a group of individuals that wouldn't raise suspicion."

At the same time Fredon and I spoke up. "I'll go!" 

Glancing over at Fredon, I nodded. I knew that we could do this, we made a good team and nothing said "NOT SUSPICIOUS" more than the good old Raven & Fredon duo. 

Our response earned a scoff from the surly old ranger. 

"You truly think we're ignorant enough to send two known criminals to deal with official Ranger business?" Halt said incredulously.

"I mean, it did cross my mind." Fredon replied nonchalantly.

"A representitive Ranger will accompany you."

My brow furrowed, I hated the idea of being babysat by this smart ass, grumpy guy in a flashy green coat (really, I wonder where I could get one made). Bristling in the corner, I was about to protest when I was interrupted by Gilan.

"I'll be accompanying you." He said, sly grin making its way across his face as he caught my gaze. I raised my eyebrow. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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