- forms -

511 33 303


1. Username:
2. Genre(s) you'd like to judge:
3. Genre(s) you've participated in:
4. Judge Mature books?: Yes/No
5. Judge LGBTQ+ books?: Yes/No
6. Followed Rules?
7. Password:
8. Experience (Yes/No):
9. Do you want some partner to help you in judging?
10. Convince us with a solid reason - Why should we choose you?
11. Which book of yours should we add to the reading list?
Inline Comment here ➸


In case you're entering more than one book, make it as a single comment like:

Book 1 -

Book 2 -
You get the point.

1. Username:
2. Book Name(s):
3. Genre:
4. Mature/LGBTQ:
5. Followed Rules?
6. Password:
7. Number of chapters:
8. Is the book complete?:
9. Tags (minimum 5):
Inline Comment here ➸

Any queries, shoot them here


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