Chapter 3-The World Seems to Vanish

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So, I realized that in my previous story, I miscalculated Rapunzel's age. So in chapter one, she was seven, but looked five because of her size. Now Rapunzel is 18. Enjoy!

"I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you."

~Cassandra Clare

10 years later

Jack was ready. He knew out of all the days in his existence, that this would be the day. He flew a familiar route to the tower. He had stood outside it so many days hoping that he could muster up the courage to go inside.

"I wonder what she looks like now," Jack thought.

What had it been? Ten years since he saw that little girl? No, it couldn't be that long! But, it was. Ten years had passed since Jack had last heard Rapunzel's sweet laugh, or seen her golden hair, or looked into her dazzling green eyes. He remembered their meeting like it was yesterday.

A feeling of anxiety knotted in Jack's stomach as he skimmed down that oh-so familiar river. His nervousness grew as he dropped down the waterfall, putting the tower in his direct view.

"What if she can't see me?"

"What if she doesn't remember that night?"

"What if…"

Jack knew he was stressing himself out.

"Breathe, Jack. Breathe," he instructed himself as he floated up to the window. He pressed her ear up to the oak shutters, hoping that maybe, just maybe, he could hear her voice. A few seconds of silence passed, making Jack loose hope.

Then a sugary voice practically sang "So mother, I was saying tomorrow is a really big day, and you didn't really respond, so I'm just gonna tell you: IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! Tada!"

She giggled her accustomed giggle.

"Not much has changed, huh?" Jack thought.

Rapunzel's voice was cut off by a raspy, mature one. "No no no, can't be. I distinctly remember, your birthday was last year."

"That's the funny thing about birthdays; they're kind of an annual thing." Rapunzel responded.

A faint burst of laughter escaped Jack's lips. Then, the shutters he was leaning on began to creak open. Jack quickly flew over to an area where he couldn't be seen.

Then, a cascade of long golden strands flowed out the window, a woman balancing herself at the end.

"Goodbye my flower!" the women uttered as she stepped onto the ground. She made her way to a cave in the distance and left.

Jack relocated himself so that he could get a better view of the girl in the window. What he saw astonished him. Jack felt himself taken aback by the girl's beauty. She was wearing a simple lilac and pink dress that was cloaked by her tresses. Her fair skin differentiated with the dainty brown freckles that studded her button nose. Her emerald eyes were filled with longing and sorrow as she stared into the distance.

Jack could've sat there and stared at her for hours on end. But, something sparked in Jack.

"Right now," he thought "It's time."

Rapunzel walked back into the house, leaving the window open. Jack flew up to the window and he swore he smelt something; the distinct aroma of… cookies. He hopped over the ledge and stood in the center of the room, Rapunzel's back faced him. She was mixing something in a wooden bowl and lightly singing a tune.

Her voice flowed through the room like molasses; slow and sweet.


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