The open-house

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TW: sh, bullying, harsh language(I am using examples of the things people did/still do to me)

BTW: This is before the eras tour in Europe (I just watched Paris N1 and OMGG)

Hailey's POV:

I woke up extra early, not because I am exited and want to get ready but because I am nervous. what if the family doesn't like me, or worse what if they would hit me like many of the previous families have done? As my head continued to spiral I could feel tears in my eyes. I practically begged myself to stop crying. It is currently 6:57 and breakfast started at 8:00 so I had to start getting ready. I turn up my music (TTPD) as loud as it would go. It is her saddest album so far and I relate to some of the lyrics having just gone through a hard breakup with a guy who I later found out was toxic. I begin to get ready, I get dressed, I am not that good at doing my makeup since I have never really had a mom to teach me how to apply makeup. I am finally ready so I begin to make my way downstairs only to run into Mia. "Hey, Hailey are you really planning on eating that, do you know how many calories are in that? I don't think you should eat it, I mean have you looked in the mirror recently" in that moment I just wanted to slap her straight across the face but I knew that I couldn't because the younger kids were watching so I just kept my cool and ignored her. BIG MISTAKE. "Oi, b**** are you scared or something, is that why you don't talk or are you just a dumb mute." Her minions start giggling one of then says "look at her face she probably thinks that she doesn't need makeup only to find out that makeup is not enough for someone with a face like that" By this point I have tears welling up in my eyes. "Aww does the princess need to go cry herself to sleep like a f***ing baby." 

I am ran up to my room and I start crying harder than I had ever cried I can't stop the tears even when I tried. About a two hours or so later, I can't stop the thoughts going through my head. I can't stop myself I feel like I kneed to do something I remove the blade from under a pile of shirts, and roll up my sleeve to reveal the large amount of cvts I had made since the age of 10. I pressed the blade onto my skin creating small cvts. Repeating this until I noticed what I was doing. Then the guilt kicks in and I notice what I had just done "f***" I whisper to myself noticing what I had just done. The guilt sinks in. I relapsed. I relapsed. I relapsed. I break down into tears again because of this. Great

I suddenly remember we are meant to clean our rooms before lunch because of the open house this evening as I hear the sound of the vacuum cleaner outside the door. I take a quick glance around my room and it is a mess, if don't want Miss Smith mad at me I have to clean this whole room by myself in under 15 minutes, luckily I don't have that much stuff to put away. After 10 minutes of exhausting clean I had just finished just in time for Miss Smith to check the girls had probably gone out about half an hour ago but of course someone was not invited. I drag my feet along the ground all the way downstairs. We all sit down however instead of telling us to eat Miss Smith stands up and announces "One of you will get adopted by a famous singer today, after lunch I want you all to go upstairs I want you to put on your best clothes" at that moment I could not stop thinking about Taylor Swift even though it would be practically impossible for Taylor to be looking to adopt a child, especially not someone like me. However I still deicide to put on my best clothes like I am told to do every opening evening.

I go downstairs at 12:50, we would usually be doing homework right now, i walk past the door and people are already arriving. ii quickly wondered whether someone in one of those cars might be here to adopt me. That thought rapidly disappears as I hear someone behind me calling my name. 

Taylors POV:

I can't believe that today is finally the day that I will be adopting a kid. I get up at 10:00 and start getting ready even though it doesn't start till 13:00. I have a room that they will be staying in its not really decorated or finished yet since I don't know what kind of stuff they like. However tomorrow we are going shopping so that they can pick out some stuff for their room and some clothes to wear since I doubt that they have many. 

I decide to call my mom and try to calm down "Hey Tay" "HEY MOM, I AM SOO EXITED"which is kinda weird because I NEVER get this hyper or on edge, about literally anything."Tay you need to calm down." "I know but it seems impossible this is the day I have been dreaming of since FOREVER." "Taylor take deep breaths or you are going to start panicking" my mum says noticing that I am freaking out."ok I will try but I gotta go finish getting ready. I go back into my room after I finish breakfast I go brush my teeth then start my makeup, ending with my 'iconic' red lipstick. Next I need to figure out what to wear. After 5 long minutes of debating on what to wear I settled on this:

 After 5 long minutes of debating on what to wear I settled on this:

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(Cute, she looks good in everything)

I get up ready to leave and call Chad (her bodyguard) to accompany her to the shelter. They get in the car and drive to the orphanage. I am still freaking out a little but my mom managed to calm me down slightly. As I walk in I see a very pretty girl is getting beat up by someone else, my heart sinks. However, before I can interact the little girl runs upstairs without looking back. The lady at the desk told me the younger girl was 13 and her name was Hailey and the older Girl was Mia, 16. She informs me "if you want to see if Hailey is ok her room is the first on the right upstairs 

Hailey's POV:

"Hey, Hailey do you actually think you are going to get adopted" it doesn't hurt to hope I think as I turn around to see the person I would least like to see, Mia and 2 of her minions (no surprises there). I try to Walk away but she pulls me back by the neck of my shirt and starts shows punches, I feel blood dripping through my nose and my right eye starts throbbing to the point I am positive I will have a black eye. I eventually run away from her and up the stairs, the moment I get to my room I whilst  slamming the door shut I break down into tears. 

Taylor's POV:

I decide to go upstairs to check on her as I knock on the door she yells from inside "GO AWAY". I can't let it go though I feel the need to check that she is ok, I slide the door open slightly, and I can see tons of posters of me around the room, this beautiful girl was a fan "hey" I say as the door creaks but instead of looking mad she just looks embarrassed and upset. I walk over and sit on the side of the bed with outstretched arms. She seemed reluctant but the second we hugged she broke down into tears in my arms all this time I held her close. in that moment I knew that she was coming home with me. "Are you ok?"I ask once the cries subsided. "I am fine" she answers swiftly. I figure I won't push it so I requested "do you want to come home with me?", "can I?"she questioned. "Of course, why not"."Well you are like perfect, stunning and so on and then I am just me", this was soo sad too hear I wish she could see how perfect she was. "No, hunny you are perfect why else would I want to take you home with me?"I practically beg. "because you feel bad for me she said simply."That is not the main reason that I want to adopt you, ok?" she nods her head in approval.

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