The adoption

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TW:abuse, panic attack

Sorry that I have not mentioned travis too much he will be mentioned in this chapter. 

Hailey's POV:

I can't believe what I just did, I just completely embarrassed myself in front of THE TAYLOR SWIFT. Of course I did, have you met me? I am like the most embarrassing person the world has ever seen. Why does she want to adopt me, I am a wreck I will only embarrass her. "Why do you want to adopt me?" "Apart from the fact that you are beautiful and I already love your personality, you need to heal from you past and I want to help you through that journey"she replied while pulling me in for a side hug and wiping the tears of my cheeks. "I am going to go downstairs and sort out the papers do you want to start packing up your stuff." I nodded my head in reply. 

Taylor's POV:

I walk downstairs and over to the woman I saw earlier, Miss Smith I think her name was, "hi, I would like to foster Hailey" I say confidently, "do you want to get to know her before deciding to become her foster parent" this lady is starting to piss me of I mean does she not think that the girl should deserve a place to live other than this old orphanage, or is it me is there some reason that she thinks that I won't be a good mom? Will I be a good mom? "Yes, I am sure that I want to become her foster parent" I say in a questioning tone. "Well I guess I should tell you a bit about her, she has a severe allergy to bees she has received all of her vaccinations. Hailey has had a troubled childhood and was hit back when she lived with her parents and still receives flashbacks and nightmares due to the trauma of these events. She has diagnosed PTSD and anxiety, and she has some bruising due to the bullying here and some sh cuts along her arms. She sees a therapist around 4 times a week."my heart broke and I just stood there speechless this 14 year old girl has been through so much. "Ok thank you" I was convinced to foster her but I didn't know how travis would react. "ok I need you to sign some papers for me" as I finish signing the minions of papers Hailey walks downstairs with her suitcase, "hey you ready I just finished filling out the papers?" "yea", we put her stuff in the car and as we get in the back of the car she sits on the right and I sit in the middle, I can tell something is bugging her "hey, you ok?" "ye I am fine but does travis know that I am coming?" "Yes I told him that I was going to become your foster mom before I signed the papers." "Ok, there is something else, I don't think I can call you mom, yet". "That's ok hun, you can call me whatever you feel comfortable with". "Thank you" she replies.

Hailey's POV: 

I can't believe what is happening my foster mom are going to be TAYLOR SWIFT. But I can't think about why Taylor chose me. We finally arrive at their house "Were nearly  there by the way there might be paparazzi outside just ignore them", Taylor states. "Are Meredith, Olivia and Benjamin going to be inside I ask curiously "of course they are and travoises coming in about an hour just in time for dinner. Speaking of dinner what do you want to eat?" "I don't know, what do you have" "honestly I have no idea, how about we go out somewhere, how does Italian sound?". "It sounds delicious" I honestly can't remember when the last time I had Italian was. Voice interrupts my thoughts "Were here and of course there is paparazzi. We fought our way towards Taylors apartment, once inside I hear a purr near my legs and look down to see Olivia, "hey Olivia" I turn to Taylor and state "she is so soft". "I know" she replies smiling "How about we play 2 truths and one lie? You probably know a lot about me but I want to get to know you better". I go sit next to her on the couch and say"Ok, I will go first: I have a older sister, I only have one cousin, I am scared of spiders" "I think that you don't have an older sister" Taylor replied confidently. "Wrong, I do have an older sister but, umm, she died 4 years ago at the age of 15 when... saving me from my dad..." I said with tears in my eyes. "I am so sorry" she said pulling me in for a hug. I am trying not to breakdown so instead I just say "Anyways its your turn". "Ok, umm, my song 'Forever and Always' was featured on a season five episode of Grey's Anatomy, i once won a poetry contest for writing something called 'Monster in My Closet', in 2006 I realised my debut, self-titled album". "Easy, the first one, 'white horse' was in a greys anatomy episode, you won the poetry contest in fourth grade the third I don't even have to explain" "wow, you really know me". I start giggling whilst noticing that it was not normal to know this much about someone you just met. "Well done, you won" "oh ye I forgot to ask what changes are you making to the tour" I reply."you will have to wait and see" I hear a knock on the door and I know that it is Travis. "c'mon, you can meet Travis". we walk over to the door and Taylor opens it to reveal Travis. "Hi babe" he says after kissing her "hi, travis, this is Hailey she is the kid I was telling you about" 

We all begin walking towards the car and are being followed by a group of paparazzi I feel anxious and my hands start start shaking, I think Taylor can tell because she took my hand and pulled me closed to her. I calm down a bit as we sit In the car Taylor in the middle me on her left and travis on her right. We arrive at to the Italian restaurant and due to the amount of paparazzi outside her house and how famous she is I can't say I am taken by surprise when I notice the amount of people standing outside waiting for us. We enter the beautiful, vintage Italian restaurant definitely picked by Taylor, we walk over to a table on the balcony since it is absolutely a perfect day. The waiters comes over and I decide to get a pepperoni pizza, travis gets himself a New York Pizza and Taylor gets a California Pizza. I am taken aback by the fact that they are being so nice, usually I would go to a home and within the first hour I would be either kicked out or get hit for doing something or stepping out of line. "I need to use the bathroom I will be back in a sec" "ok, but wont take too long" Taylor answered looking concerned. I walk into a stall and the second I close the door I get a flashback


I start making my dad food after an exhausting day of school. My jumper covered the constantly irritating, fresh bruises. I hear the door slam downstairs. Dads home. "this house is a f***ing mess, HAILEY" I wimped as he opens the door loudly. "YOU F***ING B**** THIS HOUSE IS MEANT TO BE CLEAN BY THE TIME I GET HOME" I flinch as he starts throwing punches in my direction. "YOU HAVE BEEN AT HOME FOR AN HOUR AND THIS PLACE IS COVERED IN DUST" he slams his hand on what he thought was the counter but it was the plate I left after eating something. It falls to the floor, I flinch. "See fatty if you didn't eat this much we wouldn't be having this problem" I am heartbroken. suddenly dad loses it again "YOU B**** YOU ARE GOING TO CLEAR THIS UP, UNDERSTOOD" "y-y-yes sir" I answer my voice shaky. As I try to stand up he kicks me back down so I f all on the glass.

Taylors POV:

Hailey has been in the bathroom for 5 minutes and I am starting to get worried "Travis, I am going to check on Hailey " "ok" just as I walk in I notice that one of the doors is shut "Hai..." I say but I am cut of by a high pitched scream. "Hailey?" say concerned. "t-t-Taylor I-I can't b-breathe" she answers her voice shaking. "Hailey can you open the door for me please". The door opens to reveal the fragile girl inside. I walk over and help her sit down "deep breaths ok, I am so proud of you" I take her hand and squeeze it so she can feel that she is not alone."you can get. through this, focus on your breathing". once she had calmed down I ask "do you want to talk about what just happened?" she simply shook her head. "c-can we go home" she asked her voice still shaky. "of course"I answered.

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