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The day of Hailey's audition for the swim club dawns bright and early. Taylor wakes Hailey up gently, excitement and nerves mixed in her heart. She knows how much this means to Hailey, and she's determined to support her every step of the way.

"Good morning, champ," Taylor says, smiling as she sits on the edge of Hailey's bed. "Ready to show them what you've got?"

Hailey yawns and stretches, a mix of excitement and anxiety on her face. "Yeah, I think so. I'm a little nervous, though."

"That's totally normal," Taylor reassures her. "But you've got this. You're an amazing swimmer, and today is just about showing them that."

They have a quick breakfast together, Hailey eating more than she has in days, which makes Taylor smile inwardly with relief. After breakfast, they gather Hailey's new swim gear and head out the door. The drive to the swim club is filled with a mix of upbeat music and encouraging words from Taylor.

When they arrive, the swim club is bustling with activity. Taylor and Hailey check in at the front desk, where a friendly receptionist gives them directions to the pool area. As they walk through the hallways, Taylor squeezes Hailey's shoulder.

"Remember, just do your best. That's all anyone can ask for."

Hailey nods, taking a deep breath. "Thanks, Mom."

They reach the pool area, where a coach is waiting with a clipboard. "Hi there, you must be Hailey," the coach says with a welcoming smile. "I'm Hermione. Ready to get started?"

Hailey nods, feeling a bit more confident. "Yes, I am."

"Great. Why don't you head over to the locker room and change? We'll start with some warm-up laps."

While Hailey goes to change, Taylor finds a seat in the bleachers, her heart swelling with pride. She watches as Hailey emerges from the locker room in her new swimsuit, looking both determined and a little nervous. Hailey makes her way to the edge of the pool, where Coach Hermione gives her a few final instructions.

Hailey dives in with grace, cutting through the water with powerful strokes. Taylor watches intently, her heart pounding in time with Hailey's movements. As Hailey completes her warm-up laps and moves on to more complex drills, Taylor can see the determination and skill in her every move.

After what feels like an eternity, but is probably only about half an hour, Hailey finishes her final lap and climbs out of the pool. Coach Hermione nods approvingly, jotting down notes on her clipboard.

"You did great, Hailey," she says. "We'll be in touch soon to let you know about your placement. For now, go ahead and change, and you can meet me in my office for a quick chat."

Hailey nods, a mix of relief and pride on her face. She heads back to the locker room to change, and Taylor meets her outside Coach Hermione's office a few minutes later.

"You were amazing out there," Taylor says, hugging her daughter tightly. "I'm so proud of you."

Hailey beams. "Thanks, Mom. I feel good about it."

They enter Coach Hermione's office, where another coach is waiting with a smile. "Hi Hailey, I'm Coach Steve," he introduces himself. "Coach Hermione and I have been discussing your performance."

Coach Hermione smiles warmly. "Hailey, you did really well today. I can see a lot of potential in you. We'd be happy to have you join our swim club."

Hailey's eyes light up with joy. "Really? Thank you so much!"

Coach Steve nods. "Absolutely. We have five groups, with Group 1 being for beginners and Group 5 for our top competitive swimmers. Based on what I saw today, I'd like to place you in Group 3. This group is for swimmers around your age and skill level, so you should fit in perfectly."

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