A new friend

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No-ones POV:

The first day of school dawns with a sense of excitement and nervous anticipation for Hailey, Taylor Swift's daughter. Dressed in her new outfit and clutching her backpack tightly, she sets off for school with a mixture of hope and trepidation.

But as the day unfolds, Hailey's optimism quickly turns to despair as she becomes the target of relentless bullying from her classmates. Taunts and jeers follow her through the halls, and she finds herself cornered by a group of girls in the courtyard, their words like daggers piercing her fragile heart.

"Who do you think you are, anyway?" one of the girls sneers, her voice dripping with malice. "You think you're so special just because your mom is Taylor Swift? Well, newsflash, princess—you're nothing but a loser."

Hailey's eyes sting with unshed tears as she fights to hold back her emotions, her hands trembling with fear and anger. But before she can respond, the girl lunges forward, her fists flying as she launches a vicious attack.

Pain shoots through Hailey's body as the blows rain down on her, and she crumples to the ground, her cries drowned out by the sound of her own heartbeat pounding in her ears.

But just as she begins to lose hope, a sudden commotion erupts nearby—a blur of movement and shouting as someone rushes to her defense.

It's Julia, a girl from her class, her face set in a determined scowl as she pushes the bully away and shields Hailey from further harm.

"Leave her alone!" Julia shouts, her voice echoing across the courtyard. "She's done nothing to deserve this. You should be ashamed of yourselves."

The bully recoils in shock, her eyes wide with disbelief as she realizes the gravity of what she's done. But before she can respond, the school bell rings, signaling the end of the period, and chaos erupts as students scatter in all directions.

By the time the dust settles, Hailey is left bruised and battered, her spirit broken but her resolve unbroken. She struggles to her feet, her vision blurred by tears as she searches for a familiar face in the crowd.

And then, through the haze of pain and confusion, she sees her—Taylor, her mom, pushing her way through the throng of students with a look of panic on her face.

Hailey's heart skips a beat as their eyes meet, and she rushes forward into her mom's waiting arms, collapsing against her chest as the tears finally spill over.

Taylor holds her daughter close, her own eyes brimming with tears as she whispers words of comfort and reassurance. She strokes Hailey's hair soothingly, murmuring words of love and support as they wait for the school officials to arrive.

Eventually, they are escorted to the principal's office, where they sit in tense silence, waiting for the arrival of the other parents.

When they finally arrive, the atmosphere in the room grows even more fraught as accusations fly and tempers flare. But amidst the chaos, the principal steps forward, her expression grave as she addresses the room.

"We need to review the CCTV footage to determine exactly what happened," she says, her voice firm but compassionate. "Only then can we fully understand the situation and take appropriate action."

As they watch the footage together, Hailey's heart sinks as she relives the events of the day, her stomach churning with a mix of fear and anxiety. But as the truth comes to light, she finds herself feeling a sense of relief wash over her—a glimmer of hope in the midst of the darkness.

And as they leave the principal's office that day, Hailey knows that no matter what challenges may come their way, she will always have her mom and Julia by her side, ready to fight for her, protect her, and love her unconditionally, no matter what.

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