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Hours later, Taylor is allowed to see Hailey. She walks into the hospital room, her heart heavy with worry. Hailey lies in the bed, looking pale and fragile, surrounded by monitors and IVs. Taylor gently sits beside her, holding her hand.

"Hey, sweetheart," Taylor whispers, her voice choked with emotion. "I'm here. You're going to be okay. We're going to get through this."

Hailey's eyes flutter open, and she manages a weak smile. "Mom," she murmurs, her voice barely audible. "I'm so tired."

"I know, honey. Just rest. I'm right here with you," Taylor reassures her, stroking her hair gently.

As the hours pass, Taylor remains by Hailey's side, never letting go of her hand. Friends and family come and go, offering their support and well-wishes. Travis arrives, his presence a steady source of comfort for Taylor.

"How is she?" Travis asks quietly, wrapping his arms around Taylor.

"She's stable, but it's still touch and go," Taylor replies, leaning into his embrace. "I just want her to be okay."

"She will be," Travis says with conviction. "She's strong, just like her mom."

Later that day, the doctor returns with more news. "Mrs. Swift, Hailey's condition is improving. We've run some tests, and while she has a long road ahead, she's showing signs of recovery." 

It's late at night in the hospital. The soft hum of machines and the occasional footsteps of nurses create a rhythm that usually calms Hailey, but tonight, she feels uneasy. She's been through so much already: the accident, the diabetes diagnosis, the constant monitoring. The thought of something else happening doesn't even cross her mind.

Taylor has just left after staying with her all day. Exhausted, she's finally gone home to rest, reassured that Hailey is in good hands. Travis is on his way back from a game, planning to visit Hailey first thing in the morning. For now, it's just Hailey, Max, and the nurses.

Around midnight, Hailey starts to doze off, Max lying faithfully at her side. Suddenly, a shadow moves across the room, and before Hailey can react, a hand clamps over her mouth. Fear spikes through her like ice. She struggles, but the grip tightens.

"Stay quiet, or I'll hurt you and the dog," a gruff voice whispers. Panic floods Hailey's mind, but she knows she has to protect Max. She goes still, and the intruder quickly injects something into her arm. Darkness swiftly follows.

When Hailey wakes up, she's in a dimly lit room. Her wrists and ankles are bound, and Max is nowhere to be seen. Her heart races. Where is she? What happened? She tries to remember the details of her abduction, but everything is hazy. When I look down I can just make out blood on my trousers. realising what he had done I break down into tears.

Back at the hospital, chaos erupts when the nurses discover Hailey's empty bed. Taylor's phone rings incessantly, and she answers groggily, her heart stopping when she hears the nurse's frantic explanation.

"What do you mean she's gone?" Taylor shouts, jumping out of bed. "How could this happen? She was supposed to be safe!"

"We're so sorry, Ms. Swift. We're contacting the authorities right now. We'll find her," the nurse promises, but the words do little to calm Taylor's rising panic.

Taylor calls Travis next, her voice shaking. "Hailey's been kidnapped. I don't know what to do. They just called me. She's gone."

Travis is silent for a moment, processing the horror. "I'm coming over right now. Stay strong, Tay. We'll find her. I promise."

Meanwhile, Hailey is trying to stay calm. She listens carefully, trying to gather any information about her surroundings. She can hear muffled voices and the distant sound of traffic. Maybe she's still in the city?

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