1 year later

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After the heartfelt send-off from her classmates, she and Taylor head to the airport, but not just any airport—their destination is a private airstrip where Taylor's private jet awaits. As they drive, Hailey can barely contain her excitement, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

The car pulls up to the jet, and the family is greeted by Hailey's coaches, Steve and Hermione, along with Sam, the only other swimmer from their team to qualify for the Olympics. Sam, who Hailey finds cute, gives her a warm smile, causing her to blush slightly.

"Hey, Hailey," Sam says, his voice steady and encouraging. "Ready for this?"

"Absolutely," Hailey replies, feeling a flutter of excitement mixed with nerves.

As they board the jet, the paparazzi are not far behind, snapping pictures and shouting questions. Taylor, used to the attention, shields Hailey with a protective arm around her shoulders.

"Don't worry about them," Taylor whispers to Hailey. "Just focus on what's ahead. This is your moment."

Once aboard the luxurious jet, Hailey is in awe of the spacious cabin, the plush seats, and the attentive flight crew. Alison is already strapped into her seat, babbling happily as Travis entertains her with a toy.

The flight to Paris is smooth and filled with light-hearted conversation. Steve and Hermione discuss strategy and offer last-minute tips, while Sam and Hailey chat about their excitement and nerves.

"You've got this," Sam says at one point, his eyes locking onto Hailey's. "We both do."

"Thanks, Sam," Hailey replies, feeling a surge of confidence.

As they approach Paris, the anticipation builds. The view of the city from above is breathtaking, the Eiffel Tower standing tall amidst the skyline. They land smoothly, and the group is quickly whisked away to their hotel, where their rooms offer stunning views of the city.

The next morning, Hailey is up early, her nerves buzzing with the realization that her Olympic debut is just hours away. Taylor joins her for breakfast, offering words of encouragement and love.

"Remember, no matter what happens today, we're incredibly proud of you," Taylor says, her voice full of warmth. "Just do your best and enjoy the experience."

At the Olympic Village, Hailey meets up with her teammates and coaches. The energy is electric, athletes from all over the world preparing for their events. Hailey feels a sense of unity and shared purpose.

As she stands at the edge of the pool, ready for her first race, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, visualizing her strokes and the finish line. When the starting buzzer sounds, she dives in with perfect form, each stroke powerful and precise.

The race is a blur of effort and determination. Hailey's focus is unwavering, her body moving almost automatically through the water. When she touches the wall at the end of the race, she looks up at the scoreboard, her heart pounding. Seeing her name at the top, she knows she has won. She had got a 1:06 on her 100, and a PB of 6s. The crowd erupts in cheers, and Hailey feels a surge of joy and relief.

In the stands, Taylor, Travis, Alison, and her coaches cheer loudly. Sam, who had competed earlier, joins them, his face lit up with pride for Hailey's achievement.

Back at the hotel, they celebrate with a special dinner. Hailey, exhausted but exhilarated, reflects on how far she has come. She thinks about her future, both in swimming and with her family, and feels a deep sense of gratitude for the love and support that surrounds her.

"To Hailey, our Olympian," Taylor says, raising her glass in a toast.

"To Hailey!" everyone echoes, clinking their glasses together.

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