Where we are now...

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The light blue sky reflected in the seas, as a blur of black suddenly brushed the water as we see a Dragon Rider and a Night Fury, flying lowly close to the sea, as the Rider reaches its hand out to feel the cool water.

As the pair fly high up in the sky, passing several Dragons: Seas Shockers, Monstrous Nightmares and a lot more, as each roared and growled. Passing through the clouds, as they reach above the clouds, the Rider takes in a deep breath, as they exhale, "Wanna give this another shot?" The Night Fury growled in annoyance, "Toothless, it'll be fine!" Reassured the Rider, as he puts back his handles and opens the mechanic tail, "Alright, ready?" Asked the Dragon Ride, as Toothless burbled, The Rider sighed as he stretched his shoulders, falling off of Toothless.

"WOO! HAHA!" Cheered the Rider, as Toothless followed him, reaching up to him.

"Yeah!" Exclaims the Rider, as he turns to his Night Fury buddy, who smiles with his gummed teeth, making the Rider smile under his mask.

As the Rider reaches closer to the sea, they pull some strings and as he spreads out his arms, he avoids the water as he flies up into the sky with Toothless following behind him.

As the Rider flies in front of the Dragon, slowly lowering as they fly longer, Toothless opens his mouth out wide as a purple light emits from his mouth, releasing itself underneath the Rider, making multiple plasma shots, as the warmth of the air from it, helps keep the Rider up in the sky.

As the clouds clear out of the way, the Rider turns to see a pillar of rocks in front of him, as he urged, his Night Fury friend, "Toothless!" He panicked, as Toothless growled worriedly, trying to catch up to his Rider.

Toothless quickly shot a plasma blast at the pillar, as it started to collapse, as he wrapped himself around his Rider, making them fall through the smoke.

Stumbling onto a land, as they fumbled across the grass and rocks until finally resting into a grassy open area, as Toothless uncovered his wings, to reveal the Rider safely protected, as he crawls out of the warm shelter, flipping a mechanic lever, as a peg leg appears.

As the Rider slowly gets up, to look out forward. 

"That went well. Don't you think?" The Rider enthusiastically questioned, as Toothless lowly growled, "Oh, come on! No damage was done!" Reassured the Rider, as the pillar of rocks crumbled into the ocean, Toothless looked at his Rider, with a 'Your serious right now?' face "Eh..." The Rider ignored, as he walked up to a cliff, looking outward, to see a valley of cliffs.

"Looks like we found another one bud..." The Rider solemnly spoke, as he opened a pouch from his arm, as he pulled out a small paper, as he extended it, it turned into a large map, as he set it down. He was suddenly attacked by a small pebble.

As the Rider turned around to see his Night Fury was pouting, "Aw, are you mad?" The Rider joked, as he cooed on, "Is that why your pouting big baby boo?" Toothless just mocked his Rider, "Well...Try this on!" The Rider exclaimed as he started running to Toothless, as he hugged him, Toothless just stood there, no mercy on his face. 

"Are you feeling all of my heart-felt remorse, Bud?" The Rider questioned as he climbed Toothless' neck as this put off the Dragon, as he stood up on his hind legs and started walking towards the Cliff's Edge.

"Ah, you wouldn't hurt a... One-legged VIKING!" Yelped the Rider, as he grasped onto Toothless for dear life, the Dragon just laughed, as he flopped onto his back, dragging the Rider along with it. 

They had started playing as his Rider playfully shouted out, "Vikings and Dragons enemies!" Toothless playfully attacked his Rider as they continued on playing.


After a while, Toothless retreated back as his Rider got up, heavily exhaling and inhaling, Toothless growled in concern, "I'm fine, Bud. Just Tired." The Rider tirelessly spoke as he got up, walking to his map, as he sat down, he pulled out a charcoal stick as he set it aside grabbing a small piece of paper, Toothless licked it, as the Rider stuck it onto the large map that laid on the lively grass, "So, what do you think we should name this one?" Asked the Rider, to his companion as Toothless scratched his armpit, "Itchy Armpit, it is." Declared the Rider, as he sketched out the Island.

"Well, it's getting late, and we should get back to Mom." The Rider sighed when he finished, as he stretched his arms, before mounting onto Toothless and taking off into the sky.


Reaching upon to an Island, covered in Ice, as they flew into a small gap, enough for them both to fit through.

As they reached, into a small open area, as the Rider mounted off of Toothless, as he took off his helmet, smiling at the place he called Home. The Rider sighed, as he fixed his brown messed-up hair as he carried his helmet, as millions of Dragons of all species roamed around this beautiful place as a voice rose from within, "Hiccup!" A lady balancing on top of a large Dragon, settled down on the ground, as the Women, ran to him, hugging him. 

"Mom!" The Rider loudly whispered, as they embraced in the hug, "Glad to see your back." Sighed the women, Valka and the young Rider, Hiccup smiled in his mother's warmth.

"So, did you find anything?" Squealed Valka excitedly, "Well, yes...but it was just like all the regular islands, we found before!" Complained Hiccup as he walked over to a wooden bench, very much scratched up.

"Oh, that's alright. I'm sure you'll find something soon." Valka supported as she turned to the hand-made stove, looking at the pot, Hiccup smiled and thanked her, "Thanks, Mom." Valka smiled back at her son, as she sat on the bench with him, "Anytime, my baby." 

They both chuckled as they enjoyed each other's company, Toothless had flew off, playing with the other Dragons. Cloud jumper had also joined as well.

Valka and Hiccup warmly enjoyed each other's company as they both slept soundly, to the playing of the other Dragons.


Heya! Finally got this done. 

I literally did this during school and right now publishing this in school, right now.

Hope you enjoyed this story!

-Yours Truly Sleep-Deprived Zaiya

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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