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keith disembarked the cassius, to find his fellow paladin, pidge waiting

"welcome back keith, is your friend not going to disembark" pidge asked

"he's not staying, he's one of the freelancers" keith said

"unwilling to swear an oath" pidge said in understanding, it was rare but it did happen from time to time, guardians didn't choose to become what they are and some didn't want to serve a monarch, no matter how benevolent that monarch may be, they were usually hunters, who enjoyed freedom

"still, he would have been a good asset, bringing that ancient cruiser back from the dead, and piloting an equally ancient vector to boot, is impressive to say the least" keith said

"ancient vector" he asked

"a dorado, likely heavily modified but it is a dorado" keith said

"those were known for their reliability" pidge said, keith nodded

"i'll prepare a report for her highness" keith said

"good, she'll be glad to see you" pidge said, keith nodded

pidge was a tad surprised about how quickly the guardian wanted to leave the moment that the black lion was off his ship, and he was cleared to depart he activated his cloak and was gone

"a hunter with a functioning dorado, and a baikal-class" allura said surprised

"he's unintentionally insinuated he's had both for some time, at least that is my belief" keith said, she was surprised, the guardians had very good ingenuity, she knew that from experience, but most of them came to her to swear their oaths and those few that didn't only had a warp shuttle to get from point A to B, this one seemed to be packing a bit more, and he seemed to know what he was doing

"we know that a hunter is required to unlock the full power of the lions maybe this is that hunter" allura said, that was the belief since the recording was made by the 'first hunter', it only made sense that a hunter could access the power of the lions

"are we going to hunt him down" keith asked, if so he would be protesting rather loudly, as he promised the man safe harbor, it's not very safe when your being hunted

"no, i will respect his want for freedom, especially since we owe him a dept for escorting you here, i don't know if a single lion could avoid capture from the angels and the garrison, our fleet is to defend auvoria and the surrounding territories and to fight the angels, the first hunter made it clear our technology was not be used to harm others, except to defend ourselves, we have already proven we will fight back if the garrison decides to pick a fight with us, so long as they stay away, we will do the same" allura said, she like all of the natives of auvoria believed resolutely in the words of the first hunter

"any word from coran" keith asked

"he's making progress, but it is exceedingly slow going, the sky marshal has the alliance under his iron fist, through the garrison" allura said

"i wonder if the first hunter knew this would happen" keith said to himself

"he did warn of a bad future heading towards us but he also told us that it get's better in time" allura said

"i would like to see it get better" keith said, almost forlornly

"have faith, the first hunter has never led us astray with his message, and the technology he sent through the lions has created a real haven here on auvoria" allura said

"i wasn't a believer in the first hunter, until i saw that recording" keith said

"we try to keep it as preserved as we can, we know the first hunter is a man from from this time who sent the lions and the technology back to the past, the chronological scans dictate that, it comes from this time period, meaning he was likely a paladin, we don't know why his message was sent back, but there must have been a good reason" allura said

"if he's a paladin, he must replace one of us as the only one that even equates to his build is lance, and if i ever seen lance that serious, i know that the universe is doomed" keith joked, causing allura to chuckle

"indeed, we will keep an eye on things, as we always have, watching" she said

"how comes plans for your coronation" keith said, she frowned

"part of the crowning requires the blessing of the lions, if i am not blessed by them, well, you don't want to know what happens, i have had to put it off, as yours may not be as much of a problem do to it's containment, the other four have become increasingly antsy as of late" allura said

"do you think it deals with the first hunter" keith asked

"i do, and more importantly so do the guardians they are preparing to mobilize for the first time in centuries to find the first hunter's counterpart of this timeline, we believe that only he can calm the lions" allura said

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