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The group gets to the door right when the sunset but the door doesn’t start to close…

Owen: That’s a problem!

Ori: You think!?
Owen: Mowhee ring the emergency bell!

Mowhee: On it! {Runs off}

Scott: Wait didn’t last time this happen Magic and Bek came?

Owen: Yeah they did!

Scott: {Grabs a book and quill and starts writing a note}

Martyn: Scott?

Scott: There’s a chance someone might come!

The book starts floating then disappears

Scott: It’ll only appear to a person or hybrid! Come on, we should get going!

they can hear stomping and the ground starts to shack more and more…

Owen: Lets go!

In The Maze

Gem: {Trips} Ack Damn it!

Skizz: Gem you ok!

Gem: I’m fine! We just need to keep going, that thing still after us!

Skizz: {Pick her up} Look around and see if you notice anything!
Gem: Ok! Skizz their ice on the wall! It looks like Scott’s!

Skizz: I see it!

Gem: Follow it, it might be a way to safety!

they both keep running in the maze until they reach the clearing doors, and out of nowhere the book appears floating…

Skizz: Gem can you grab it?

Gem: {Reaches and} Got it!

Skizz: What does it say?

Gem: If you’r reading this, their a high chance your being chased by a creature in the maze, run the forest, you will see a tower, go into the tower, and just knock on the floor, I’ll explain more once your safe!

Skizz: To the forest then we have no time to think this through!

Gem: I would argue normally but just go!

They run to the corner of the maze that is surrounded by forest, and they find a tower and other homes!

Gem: You can put me down Skizz…

Skizz: Wait a second… {Knocks on the floor}

Next thing they know, the floor caves in and they land on a bunch of pillows….

In One of the 6 Underground safe zones!

Skizz: You ok Gem?

Gem: Yeah, just Ugh….

The trapdoor closes, they can hear the ground shake, but it seems farther from them….

Scott: Gem! Skizz! {He goes over hugging them both}

Gem: Scott! Wait Scott, where you the one who wrote the cryptic magical message?

Scott: Yes…

Skizz: What is going on!? Why are we in a huge maze with those things!

Scott: I’ll explain but first, Gem you ok, your leg…

Gem: Nothing I can’t fix, just need a flower…

Scott: One sec! {goes over and grabs a flower} The others are in the common area…

Skizz: There more people here?

Scott: {Hands the flower to Gem, well in total 19 others, including me, but in this bunker theirs only, 8 of us, now 10 down here…

Gem: {Holds the flower and}

A glow a green magic and the flower gets consumed and Gem leg is healed…

Gem: Their we are!

Scott: Follow me!

In The Common Area!

Scott: I was right!

Owen: Who is it Scott?

Scott: Gem, and Skizz!

Gem: Wow!

Skizz: That a lot of people!

Scott: Yeah! So you guys know Owen, and Apo!

Owen/Apo: {Waves}

Scott: And Martyn!

Martyn: {Waves, sitting on the couch}

Scott: And my brother Acho!

Acho: {Comes over to the group} Hey!

Scott: But then there are the others, please introduce yourself guys….

Mowhee: I’m Mowhee!

Ori: Ori!

Krow: …Krow…

Scott: That's just this group, like I said there 19 people in the clearing…

Gem: But why are we all here?

Scott: Well, I don’t know really why some of us are here, most of the other here have been trapped in this maze before, but me, Martyn, and know you both are new to the maze, I have background with the maze due to the creators of the maze, but we didn’t even know you both where going to be thrown in, neither Martyn…..

Owen: The only people Clearing One knew who where going to be thrown in that are new was, Scott, and where still waiting on 4 more…

Skizz: Who are?

Scott: The rest of Team ZITS….

Skizz: Zed, Impulse, & Tango…

Scott: And Jimmy…

Gem: What?

Scott: It’s a killer maze, we have to find the way out, but it’s harder this time, they want everyone they throw in to die and only a few to survive….

Apo: Where trying to make sure no one dies…

Mowhee: What you have here, well this group, and well a few others is the runner team, we run through the Maze every day trying to find the way out…

Krow: But the fucking Maze changes and we haven’t been able to find any shit!

Ori: Also the creators are trying to throw everything a us to make sure we either die in the maze or kill each other….

Skizz: This is a lot….

Gem: …

Scott: {Brings them both over to the couch} Sit down before you pass out…

Gem/Skizz: {Nod}

Owen: It’s gonna take time to get used to it but you’ll be fine! Just note, us in the clearing have been divided, mainly because of me…

Skizz: Why that?

Owen: Last time we were in the Maze, we had no memory of our life before the maze, and they slowly gave us our memory back, but for some of us they gave fake memories to tear us apart! I was one of the people, my current form…. {The demon tail shakes} Is to remind me of what I did last time in the maze…. To remind me I hurt my friends….

Martyn: This time the original clearing members have their memories, but Scott managed to show them what the creators have done…

Gem: How?

Scott: Because they used me as their pawn originally…. I know a lot about the maze so they are making sure we have a hard time in the maze…. to the point they're throwing in people I know, and hold dear to me, but only those they can get….

Gem: How long are we going to be down here…

Ori: We don’t know…

Skizz: So we have to wait….

Scott: Yeah….

Word Count: 1043 Character Count: 5319

My Name is Ella Shade and I am “One of Us!”

Outsiders S2 In The Maze AgainWhere stories live. Discover now