Episode 10. Lets Get Rid Of It!

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With Owen & Mowhee

Mowhee: This is stupid old man!
Owen: (looks at him) You think I don't know but we're the best idiots to do it!
Mowhee: Your right there!
Owen: Lets try not to die, because Scott will hunt us from the living world!
Mowhee: He can do that?
Owen: Yes, yes he can....
Mowhee: Ok then, no dying!
Scott: You better not!
Mowhee/Owen: Ack!
Scott: *snickers*
Owen: How long have you've been listening!?
Scott: Since you started the conversation! (his elf ears twitch)
Owen: (sighs) You elf!
Scott: {Snickers} Can't help it! Also you have good hearing as well!
Owen: True! Anyways...
Mowhee: Lets go meet up with the other runners!

With The Runners

Scott: Gem stop worrying....
Gem: I still don't like the idea!
Scott: Just trust me!
Gem: Fine!
Skizz: Don't get hurt!
Scott: I won't! I have to watch the other idiots!
Mowhee/Owen: Hey!
Scott: You both are going o be trying to get the greiver out of the maze! I'm just damn worry!
Owen: {Looks at Mowhee}
Mowhee: [Looks at Owen}
Both: Will be fine!
Scott: Just don't die!

On The Surface

Owen: {Changes form} it's roaming....We should be able to find i! {His form changes back}
Scott: {hands Owen a star, in elvish} Get trapped in the maze send this up, ok...
Owen: (Nods) Mowhee ready to be idiots?
Mowhee: Duh!
Magic: Why those two?
Scott: Mowhee survived in the maze for awhile and Owen because Mowhee trust Owen the most!
Owen: *his demon tail swings back and forth, & mutter in the demon Language* hopefully this is not a trap....

Surprisingly it took them awhile to find it, or was the creator actively avoiding them....

Owen: There it is!
Mowhee: Welp time to die!
Owen: Do you want to be Haunted?
Mowhee: No...
Owen: Then lets not die! (hands him the spear) Aim for its eye!
Mowhee: You have better aim why me?
Owen: Because I need to get my bow ready just in case! (In his head) Also because my hands are still unstable holding spears after what I did to Apo...
Mowhee: Right... Here we go!

He throw the spear and it hits it eye and automatically it comes after them!

Owen: (his wings open grabbing Mowhee) Hold on I can stay flying for only 15seconds!
Mowhee: Why!?
Owen: Maze, wont let us stay in the air for long!
Mowhee: Fly then!!!
Owen: (his wings opens and he flies) Ready?
Mowhee: Ready!

They fall down and land on their feet and run straight into the maze with the grevier right behind them....

Scott: Their in...
Magic: Now we wait...

It seem like every minute just went on for so long, and then soon night started to fall and still no sign of them...

Scott: Owen plz..... (Owens charm appears on his wrist)
Owen: Come on!
Mowhee: Its gonna close!
Owen: Hurry then!
Mowhee: I am!
Scott: Owen! Mowhee!!

They both crash into the clearing tight before the door had gotten to close for anyone to get through....

Owen: Dear stags!
Mowhee: Imma pass out....
Owen: Same...
Scott: Help me out Apo!
Apo: Yeah! (Grabs Owen)
Scott: (grabs Mowhee)

Later That Night a Meeting was held...

Scott: Their safe...
Magic: Thank the heavens...
Krow: We need.to get out of the maze and soon....
Skizz: But we can't leave without the other 4!
Gracie: He's right we can't...
Scott: (the magic fade on the spell as he puts Tango jacket on) We can't leave them here, 3 of them are at a disadvantage, which would be the other of team ZITS... Jimmy deal with stuff like this in a way not exactly but he adapts easily, either way I won't leave without them!
Gracie: Will keep getting things ready to leave but we wait, now lets get some rest!

The night goes on peacefully and then at 5 in the morning an alarm goes off...

Scott: What the fuck is that!?
Owen: The elevator!
Scott: The elevator, Impulse, Tango! (Rushes off)
Owen: Come on guys!

At The Elevator...

Magic: Can you both tell us your names...
Impulse: (blazeish) Tango I don't like this...
Tango: (blazeish) Neither do i....
Scott: Coming through, damn it let me through!
Owen: Might eat to get out of his way!
Scott: Tango! Impulse!
Tango/Impulse: Scott!?
Tango: (rushes over hugging Scott) Starlight!
Scott: (blushes leaning in)
Skizz: Love birds, am I right Dibbledop?
Impulse: Yeah, wait Skizz!?
Skizz: Yeah me and Gem got thrown in....
Impulse: Oh phantoms...
Tango: (kisses Scott, elvish) You safe, Jimmy said something about purple roses...
Scott: (elvish) Yes I'm fine Tango please calm down...
Tango: Thank gods... (Pulls him closer)
Scott: (smiles leaning in)
Krow: You said they were dating right?
Martyn: Yup, that's Tango Scott boyfriend, and that Impulse!
Gracie: So we are waiting on two more?
Scott: Yeah, Zed and Jimmy.... (worried)
Tango: Their fine I'm sure of it... (Kisses his check)
Scott: (smiles, mutters) You are being very clingy....
Tango: (mutters) Im not letting you out of my sight that's why...
Scott: (sigh, mutters) Jimmy?
Tango: Maybe...

Sorry it took forever to get out, hope you all enjoyed!

Word Count: 875

My name is Ella Shade and I am "One of Us!"

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