Chapter 9. So We Need To Go Up...

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Chapter 9. So We Need To Go Up...

Owen: I don't like this idea!
Scott: Neither do I but what choose do we have?
Owen: I see your point Scott....
Skizz: What's going on?
Acho: Making a decision if we should go to the surface or not, and well, none of us want too...
Owen: *looks at Rasbi and Apo* What are you two planning?
Apo: All the other demons are going up no matter what, and where joining them....
Rasbi: Their still deciding if you're a demon or not....
Owen: *his demon tail swings from side to side* I'll let you guys deal with this!
Scott: Owen has demon blood Permanently in him, so he's a demon now!
Red: How do you know?
Scott: We check his blood!
Gem: *comes over holding a vial* See this, this is his blood, normally red blood, but then you notice the orange string and the very dark red string, and a glitter like string, the glitter one is his admin magic & Origin, which opens many types of magic to him, the orange one is his normal magic, and the dark red, well you all should know!
Krow: Demon blood!
Red: But its not Dominant like our are!
Guts: Yeah are blood completely dark red!
Scott: Like anyone if they get turned into said creature!
Guts: How would you know!
Gem: Ha! Anyone who is would know would be Scott!
Red: And that's because?
Scott: I got turned into a vampire! But due to it being on an origin world it acts like a separate origin but u can see the strain in my veins! Also I'm a multi hybrid!
Gem: Us multi hybrid have a strain of blood for all of our different species!
Krow: You are?
Gem: Indeed! Deer, elf, dragon, and salmon hybrid!
Skizz: Wait dragon!? I know your a deer and elf because this your normal form, the salmon because of Hermitcraft S 10! But dragon!?
Gem: Amethyst Dragon, Empire blood line, my brother a Redstone Dragon!
Krow: Well then, Owen you gonna join us?
Owen: ... (Looks at Scott)
Scott: Me and the other will be fine, go on!
Owen: *sighs* Yeah, I'll join!
Apo: *worried, looks at Rasbi*
Rasbi: *knows what he's worried about*
Scott: *goes over to Owen in elvish* If they try anything to you, you know what to do!
Owen: *nods*
Scott: *his necklace glows*
Owen: *the snowflake clip glows*
Scott: *English* I swear if you guys are planning some shit because you still don't trust Owen, I'll kill you all myself!
Krow: Its not! You have my word! From Royal to royal! *bows to Scott*

Remember part of Krow lore is that he's a royal dragon/ demon, and everyone knows Scott royalty, so Krow using royal code to keep this promise to Scott!

Scott: *smiles & bows back* Thank you Krow!

On The Surface

Owen: ... *in a quick blink his Ocelot form comes out his ears listing*
Apo: *mutter to Owen* You know your magic gonna push the demon side back out...
Owen: I know... But I can uses my ocelot form for a little bit at least....
Krow: Hear anything?
Owen: *his form changes back* No...but its to quite, I don't hear any animals.... it's unsettling....
Apo: Guts?
Guts: {Listing to the surface} The soil at peace now, but there a bit of fear still left....
Owen: {Looks at the group} What if the grevier still here but asleep, that why everything so quite, the doors are still closing, and from what me and Scott gather it only comes around at night....
Red: How do you guys know?
Owen: Scott a starborn, so is Acho, and when nighttime hits their partial starborn form comes out! Unless they don't let it....
Apo: Maybe we should figure out where it's sleeping?
Rasbi: But that risky....
Owen: {In his head} The grevier might not leave, & if it dosn't and where stuck underground the lava might kill us, if it's gonna be lava that destroys the clearing again.... We might have no other choise but to lure the greiver back into the maze, which is a sucidal mission.... {His demon tail tucks down}
Apo: Owen, what's up you clearly have something in mind...
Owen: Just....
Apo: Owen talk to me...
Owen: We all know the maze is different from before....
Krow: yeah...
Owen: What if the griever going to stay in the clearing unless someone lures it into the maze before sunset....
Guts: That a death mission!
Owen: Yeah I know.... But the griever only awake at night, we never see it in the maze unless its in the dark maze! {Points to the close south side door} Or at night, {Dosn't notices but speaks the demon launage} what if the creator are trying to keep us underground to the point that they will Unleash the lava sooner! I talk to Scott and Martyn after they where in the water system in the bunker checking up on things and they said the water was hotter then normal, something wrong... I can just tell....

Their all speaking the demon launage after Owen started, which their all shocked about, because the didn't think he could

Guts: I don't believe you...
Red: Yeah like why should we trust you!?
Owen: {Pissed off know, his eyes changing to a dark red with the demon pupils}
Apo: Owen....
Owen: You guys don't need to fucking trust me, I get it, but of all people fucking trust Scott! {His wings flutter open, the orange tips had turn red and same with the orange in his hair} Scott done nothing but try and help, I know most of you don't trust me after I killed multiple of you last time, and if I'm being fucking honest I don't trust my damn self! For Scott none of you have a reason, Krow fucking trust Scott and he was the only demon who saw Scott at the end! Fucking hell! Ugh! I'm done with your bullshit! {In English} I'm going back to the fucking bunker!

They all are left speachless, Owen never curse, and rarely snaps....

Back In The Bunker

Owen: Fucking asswholes!
Scott: Owen! {Rushes over hugging him}
Owen: {Relaxes as soon as Scott hugs him, his for changing back to normal} ...
Scott: Owen....
Owen: Their all asswholes...
Scott: Owen....
Owen: I get it they don't trust me, I just hate how the act about you....

The other Demons return to the bunker...

Gracie: What happen up there?
Krow: Guts and Red still don't trust Owen the most so they question him on everything, but I think what Owen was saying might be right....
Apo: Owen snap at them, and cursed....
Rasbie: In the demon launage.....
Acho: {Sighs} Owen come here!
Owen: {looks to Scott}
Scott: Go ahead but, you'll be fine, he's properly gonna uses his Relaxation magic on you!
Owen: Prob...
Acho: Get over here!
Owen: {goes over}
Acho: {his magic glows} Better?
Owen: {nods and lays his head on his shoulder}
Acho: {smiles}
Scott: Krow can I do a thing to those two! {Looks at Guts and Red}
Krow: {looks at Martyn}
Martyn: {nods}
Krow: Don't kill them!
Scott: Not planning on to! {His magic glows picking up Red & Guts} Shut the fuck up before you start complaining!
Red: Fucking Hell we aren't!
Scott: {his magic surronds their mouth} Should have fucking listen! Mess with Owen your dead, I don't give two shits if you have one life, but I'm not ducking letting anyone hurt him, and another thing, even if u don't fucking trust him or me, you might as well work with us, or you'll be dead again, & well I can make sure its permanent! {his hand that not holding them glows with necromancy magic} Understood? {The magic moves from their mouths}
Both: Yes sir...
Scott: Good! {Drops them}

Word Count: 1312

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