Episodr 8. Figuring This Out

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Episode 8. Figuring This Out

In The Runners Bunker

Skizz: {Braiding Gem Hair}

Gem: {Humming peacefully, her nature magic messing with a flower}

On the other side you can see the runner having a short meeting…

Scott: {His wings open} I don’t care what you say, both them can be helpful…

Martyn: Scott’s right, Gem an expert fighter in both sword, and magic, and she a great healer…

Owen: From what I know, and saw on MCC, Skizz has great agility and a good leader, he also knows when it’s best not to take a risk, which none of us in this group know when not to take a risk…

Krow: … I say give them a chance!

Red: {Had came to the bunker in the underground system} Krow!

Krow: No Red, we need all the help we can get to get our of this fucking bloody maze!

Ori: May be best to have a meeting…

Red: How though, the other we can’t get in contact with without going through the water messaging pip, and the messages haven’t been going through!

Scott: {Groans, taking off “his” jacket} Martyn hold this for me!

Martyn: I thought all your clothes…

Scott: Well that’s not my jacket…

Martyn: What?

Scott: {Has hand glows over the jacket, and it turns into a leather jacket with flame embroidery on it}

Martyn: Isn’t this Tango’s?

Scott: Yeah, currently I have Tango’s, Jimmy has mine, and Tango has Jimmy’s, we just hide it with an illusion spell! Anyways!

Red: What the fuck are you planning?

Scott: Something I’m good at!

Martyn: Your not gonna do what I think your going to do?

Scott: I am! {His Limited Life form comes out}

Martyn: Scott!

Mowhee: Your going through the messaging system! Aren’t you?

Scott: Yeah! I can probably find the clog! Or get to one of the other bunkers!

Owen: Wait but what if your magic ends! We’ve been limited on how long we can uses magic!

Scott: I can hold my breath for a good bit! Don’t worry! {Jumps into the messaging system}

Martyn: No stopping him…

Skizz: That true, but Scott is right, he’s the only one who can breath long enough underwater without a creature form in this group…

Gem: I can’t breath underwater for long even though I have salmon blood!

In The Tunnel System…

Scott: {In his head} I swear if it’s something stupid I’m a murder someone! {Notices} Tracker bugs… mother fuckers are trying to limit our communication so the other will leave their bunkers when they think it’s clear… {Grabs them with a bubble}

Then next thing you know, his siren form fades…

Scott: {In his head} Damn it! I need to get to the next group bunker and quickly! {Grabs the bubble and turns it into an ice bubble} Got to hurry…

Group Bunker Information

You might be wondering what are the other 4 groups, and the reason for them!

Runner Group Bunker: Is in the corner closest to the first open door! Where Scott, and Owen first set up

Clearing Group Bunker: It’s in the middle under the Canopy!

Garden Group Bunker: Where The Farms Are Placed, has most of the good reservers

Prison Group Bunker: Has the prisons and most weapons but not all, no one but the leader know it’s location…

Animal Group Bunker: This is where all the spare animals are saved In Case of problems above!

Material Group Bunker: It has different material for all the bunkers and even inside the maze and in the clearing…

Clearing Group Bunker…

Scott: {Pops out of the messaging system} Damn it!

Graecie: Scott!

Scott: I’m fine! My magic timed out when I was in the system…

Magic: Your not wet though?

Scott: Waterproof clothing!

Squidney: What are you doing here?

Scott: We need to have a meeting and soon, where worried they’re trying to trick one of the groups to exit the Bunker and get them killed!

Graecie: Oh no!

Ayngel: How do we know for sure…

Scott: We don’t, but we’ve heard the monster over our bunker for awhile now, it’s left a couple of times, but it always comes back… There has to be a group that hasn’t hear the monster above…

Magic: Not here, we’ve heard the monster for good bits before it leaves….

Scott: {Groans grabbing the ice bubble} Give me a sec! {Sends an ice spike at the bubble}

The bubble shatters, and the tracker bugs get broken, and all they see left is broken ice, and broken metal….

Scott: Tracker bugs are in the messaging system….

Gracie: You think you can get everyone to this meeting hall?

Scott: Sure Gracie! {Jumps back into the messaging system}

It took about 3 hours to get everyone to The Clearing Bunker…. a lot of none stop swimming for Scott, Martyn, and even Gem….

Scott: I’m a pass out!

Gem: Same!

Martyn: So much swimming…

Skizz: Sit down all three of you….and just relaxed, we can listen to the other from here…

Gem: Good idea!

Scott: I swear if another argument breaks out…

Owen: I’ll deal with it don’t worry!

Martyn: Just don’t bother us…

Acho: We won’t!

And As Always with every meeting, a fight breaks out…

Scott: Call it… {Laying on Martyn side}

Martyn: They can’t go without fighting… {Running his hand through Scott’s hair}

Gem: I’m hiding in your wings Skizz! {Goes into Skizz’s wings}

Skizz: {Snickers} That’s fine Gem….

Owen: {His magic glows in his hand} Can we please stop arguing…

Apo: Their not gonna listen…

Owen: {Groans, his hand glow and magic scatters across the group} Enough arguing! Arguing not gonna solve the problem we have a griever above us, waiting for one of us to surface to kill us, it’s not gonna solve the fact that their just gonna keep sending in more people that the original gladers here don’t know, and it’s not gonna get us all home! No just stop arguing! We are all adults for prime sake!

Gracie: Owen’s right….let’s get to work!

To those who keep up to date how many episode.chapter I post on my account daily, yes it’s only one today not 3 or 2, or 4, I’m working on more as we speak, I just slow…

Word Count: 1o60 Character Count: 5708

My Name is Ella Shade and I am “One of Us!”

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