The World's First Doctor

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Warning: This chapter has character death and may be sensitive to some readers. Please read with caution.

Well, after helping to shape Rome, and after weeks of some of Hercules' shenanigans that I apparently missed -don't ask, I'm pissed that I missed out on all the action too- things have been going pretty well for me. Sure, Mom's headaches were getting worse, but she kept claiming that she was fine. So, other than that major scare, everything's pretty much fine. At least, that's what I thought until Career Day at school. That's when everything went from fine to completely terrible.

Let me explain...

It all started on Career Day. Prometheus Academy decided that since our class was the graduating class, it was time for us to get ideas about what we wanted for our future careers after we graduated high school. Granted, most of us already knew what we wanted to be -however, I was stuck deciding between history teacher and geologist, now. So, the school principal asked several people in Athens to come in and present what they do for their jobs. They had the local blacksmith, some fig farmers, seamstresses, and lawyers come in. But my personal favorite of all these people was the woman who gave birth to me as she presented her career to my classmates.

"Hey, kids." Mom greeted everyone. "I'm Sirena, and I'm a tea maker. I brew and sell rare teas for people."

My classmates all gathered around as they watched Mom prepare some amazing-smelling tea. Crushing some tea leaves and other various herbs and flowers we used in our shop and putting them into small bags that were placed into teacups. And after pouring hot water into the teacups, the teas were all starting to brew. I smiled proudly as my classmates all gave amazed looks. True, most of them have had tea when they visited the shop, but they've never seen it be made.

"That's amazing!" Helen beamed at the sight.

"It really is." Melampus agreed before asking a question. "But what exactly is tea?"

"It's a very special drink that is said to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system." Mom explained as she handed me a tray of filled teacups. "Here, try some. We have samples."

I then went out and passed the tea samples for everyone in the crowd. And no, I didn't pass out the typical Black Tea. Oh, no. Mom wanted to go all out today and brought out the big guns when it comes to tea. Green, Oolong, Jasmine, Earl Grey, Chamomile, Herbal, and even the ever-amazing Chai. Needless to say, they all were huge hits among the other students and my classmates. Heck, when I gave Hercules, Icarus, and Cassandra samples, they loved them as well. Especially Cassandra. I never thought of her as a tea person. I figured she liked coffee because it was as bitter as she was.

Cassandra gave a smile as she drank some Chai. "Hey, this stuff's pretty good."

"No one can make tea like Mom, but hopefully I've learned a thing or two from watching her work." I said as I finished handing out samples. "Would you like to hear her favorite tea joke?"

Hercules nodded as he took a sample. "Sure."

"I like jokes." Icarus agreed as he drank his Herbal Tea.

I grinned as I began. "Okay. Well, I can't remember how it starts, but the punchline is 'Leaf me alone, I'm bushed'."

The joke was left with zero laughs and confused faces.

"Well, it's funnier when Mom tells it." I said awkwardly.

"Maybe it's because she remembers it." Cassandra remarked.

The four of us had a good laugh at her comment.

Hercules then looked over at one of the booths and smiled largely. "Hey, Phil's getting ready to talk!"

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