Aftermath: Part 2 (READ WARNING)

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Warning: This chapter has mentions and visuals of self-harm and attempted suicide and it may be sensitive for some readers. I implore you, if you ever see a friend, family member, or just anyone you know in general and you sense something's wrong with them, FOLLOW THEM! You just might be in time to save them from doing the unthinkable. 

Hades' POV

I've seen over a million souls end up in the Underworld, but seeing Sirena's pretty much made things hard for even me to handle. I hardly got enough time to spend with her before she died, but things weren't exactly easy for Aria to handle. Can't say I don't blame the kid, but then again, what do I know? My ma's still around just minding her own business far away from my blowhard brother. But Aria wasn't taking the loss easy. She practically locked herself in her room after the funeral, and I had to play a whole room service act just to make sure she'd eat. Which, gotta tell ya, got old fast.

She couldn't spend eternity grieving her mom's loss, okay? The kid ain't immortal like me. Aria had to get back into the swing of things here. Hey, it'll be just like how things were before. Y'know, like when she first showed up here. So, the day after everything happened, I go waltzing up to her room to try an ease her back into the swing of things. But after I knocked on the door and saw how dead tired Aria looked when she answered, I knew it wasn't gonna be an easy thing to do.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked her, not the best question to ask a grieving kid, but it was all I had to say.

"Nothing." she answered.

"Doesn't look like nothing." I said as I tried putting a hand on her shoulder. "Why don't you tell Uncle Hades all about it?"

Aria moved her shoulder away. "I'm not in the mood."

"Alright, fine! You're not in the mood, you're not in the mood." I tried to leave to give her space before noticing a plate of uneaten souvlaki on the ground where I put it the night before. "What's this mess?"

"The dinner I didn't eat last night." she answered dryly.

"Well, that's one meal ruined." I rolled my eyes as I picked up the plate. "You're always in the mood to eat, why didn't you eat last night?"

Aria shrugged. "Too depressed to eat."

I had a bad feeling I knew why. "Still thinking about your mom, huh?"

"I don't wanna talk about it!" she said in a warning tone as she slammed the door in my face.

I could've yelled, but knowing that she was still going through things, I let it slide for now and went back downstairs so she could cool down. Oy, teenagers. You can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. Whaddya gonna do?

The Next Day

Pain's POV

Aria wasn't getting any better. I know that she was going through rough times, I mean, she just got reunited with her mom, and now she lost her forever. Yeah, I know, I'm not the best guy in the world to talk about this kind of thing, but this is Aria we're talkin' about. The only mortal who ever cared about Panic and I. And we knew that if anyone could try to make her feel better when pretty much everything went south for her, it had to be us. At least this kind of thing beats any job Hades had us do.

"You sure she'll talk to us?" Panic asked as he held onto the apples and pita we brought for Aria.

"Worth a try, isn't it?" I retorted right as we got to Aria's closed bedroom door.

We looked at each other nervously for a moment, wondering whether or not Aria was awake or was in the mood to talk to someone, but we've taken chances speaking out of line with Hades before, and since Aria had no fire powers to roast us or cares too much to choke us out, we'd figure the worst she could do was not talk to us. After a while, Panic was the one who ended up knocking on her door.

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