The Prometheus Affair

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"The thing of it is is that I still do blame myself for it, but with what happened a few days ago with the nightmares, I feel like it's given me closure." I said as I organized my third pot of flowers.

"Very interesting," Miss Kore said as she tended to her own flowers. "So, you think that the nightmares subconsciously helped you truly realize that your mother's death wasn't your fault?"

"Yeah, but it's weird." I told her. "I've spent so long blaming myself, that it feels weird finally accepting it. Does that mean I still feel guilty about what happened?"

"No, sweetie, not at all. That's a sign that says you still have room for healing." Miss Kore smiled as she gently lifted up one of the roses she had planted. "Just because one rose on the bush has blossomed doesn't mean it'll give a full bushel as soon as possible."

"I guess so." I shrugged.

Just then, Miss Kore glanced over at the kitchenette hourglass in time to see the last grain of sand fall into the other half. Signaling that my session for the day was now over, and that I'll have to wait a whole other week to continue on this healing path I've recently found myself enjoying more and more of. Which is fine, but it still feels nice to know that somebody really cares about helping me out with my problems. Miss Kore's really is the best there is.

"Well, I think you've made some progress today with what we've discussed." she then said before noticing the flowers in the vase. "What a beautiful arrangement! I especially love the combination of the lilies with the blue hyacinths."

"Thank you, Miss Kore." I smiled before explaining. "I really wanted to capture the pure form of forgiveness despite the blue feeling."

"Wonderful use of symbolism." Miss Kore complimented before she handed me back my satchel. "I'll see you next week for our session. You have a nice day."

"You too!" I nodded before heading out of her office.

I walked out of that building with a better attitude than ever. Not only have these sessions with Miss Kore helped me with my problems regarding Mom's death and all the trauma I put myself through, but they're also helping me learn more about how to properly heal from it all. And if you combine the sessions with the nightmares Phantasos gave me, I keep this up, I'll be as good as I was before everything happened. I'll be normal again.

Of course, I say that word 'normal' as I go to meet up with the imps as they wait outside Miss Kore's office building to pick me up from my session.

"Good session today?" Pain asked me.

"I think I'm making some pretty good progress." I told them as we left the building. "Of course, only a month and a half of therapy won't solve all my problems."

Panic gave a supportive smile. "At least you're getting help."

"Yeah." I agreed before changing the subject. "Hey, you guys still planning on doing that titan status update?"

"You sure you wanna tag along?" Panic asked me. "You have school."

"Yeah, you already missed half of it already." Pain agreed.

"I have a doctor's note from both Hippocrates and Miss Kore saying that whenever I'm in the midst of the grieving process I don't have to attend school. It's called a Mental Health Day." I explained. "Also, Thursday lunches at school are liver days, and I got sick the last time I ate that stuff."

Okay, so that's a half truth. Yes, Hippocrates and Miss Kore gave me doctor's notes for me to give to my teachers at Pro Ac every Thursday after my sessions, but I'm supposed to actually go to school after said sessions. But every Thursday after my sessions are the same. I arrive at lunch time on literally the grossest meal day ever: Liver Day. I guess to really keep up with the school's namesake, they give us liver meals in honor of Prometheus. When I tell you I threw up after eating something called a liver cake -which isn't a cake, but just fried liver patties- I mean it. So, yeah, I am abusing my doctor's notes, but you can't blame a girl for trying.

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