Sunset (Italy)

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"Bella mio!" Italy called running into the room. You turn around in your swivel chair and look at him.

"Yes?" Intsead of answering Italy scoops you up out of the chair and starts carrying you somewhere. "Where are you taking me?" you ask but he only giggles. After asking a few more times with the same result, you decide to resort to drastic measures.

"I'll pull your curl," you threaten and he starts squirming. He begs you to not pull the curl but you starts reaching for it.

"Its-a-surprise-so-please-dont-pull-my-curl-i-cant-tell-you." He strings the whole sentence into one really long word (a talent only he possesses).

You grudgingly lower your hand, "Oh, alright." you say, settling in for the ride. "But do I have to ride in you're arms the whole time?" He down at you and smiles coyly while nodding his head. You sigh.

After a while, and surprising distance Italy stops. "Are we there," you ask confused, looking around and not seeing much.

He shakes his head. "No, but now I have to blindfold you so you don't see the surprise!" he says as if that was the most normal thing to say and do to someone. You give him a confused look as he pulls a handkerchief out of one of his many pockets and wraps it over your eyes tying it tightly in the back. He takes your hand and starts leading you somewhere. You notice that you are walking up a hill. You just go with it and follow along.

Not long after that Italy stops her, pulling his hand away from yours. You feel his hands on your shoulders. "Ready?" he whispers in your ear. You nod excitedly, his hands lift off your shoulders. You feel him pull at the knot in the blindfold, and it falls away. After a moment your eyes adjust to the scene in front of you.

The two of you are on a hill overlooking the city of Venice. It is a beautiful sight. The only thing more beautiful than the view of the city is the sunset. He brought you here just in time to see it. Your turn and smile at  him which makes him smile big, flashing all of his teeth.

"Come on," you say pulling him down to sit on the grass. At first you two sit with some space between you, but after a minute he slides closer, not that you mind. You smile and watch the sunset once more, and the darker it gets the more lit up the city becomes. You stare dazzled at the city beginning to glow and come to life. Another few mintues goes by and you feel his arm gently slide over your shoulders. You snuggle closer to him, laying your head on his shoulder.

"Bella?" he asks quietly.


"I need to tell you something." he stops.

"Yes?" you prompt. 

He stutters some trying to form what he wants to say. You tear your eyes away from the sunset long enough to see that his face matches the rich red from the fading daylight. He stares straight ahead purposfully avoiding you gaze. "Feli, what is it?" Instead of answering, he takes a deep breath as if he is preparing himself. You turn back to the city that is quickly fading into darkness. Soon the city comes alive with small dots of white light, making the city look like it is lit with stars. You feel tears almost form in your eyes at the sight. 

You feel Italy take a  deep breath and shift slightly. You start to look at him, but you feel him grab you face and lean so close to you that your lips are almost touching. He pauses, waiting to see if this is okay, if you will pull away, and when you don't he leans forward and touches your lips. 

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