Picnic (Spain)

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"You know I don't like surprises," you tell Spain as he leads you somewhere, blindfolded.

"Lo siento. Tu necesitas hablar en espanol." He says and you don't even need to see the smirk that is surely on his face.

"Huh, fine! Tu sabes que no me gusta, uh...um," You can't remember the word for surprises so you just let it go and keep walking. After a few more minutes of walking you feel the ground change. It feels softer and kind of ticklish. "Must be walking on grass, but where the hell is he taking me?" You continue like this for a ways and suddenly you stop.

"Are you ready?" he says finally speaking English.

"I've been ready," you say growing frustrated. You hear something, like a blanket being set out, and wood creaking like a basket. "Come on. I can't wait anymore," you whine.

"Alright." You hear him walk behind you and feel him pull at the blindfold. You blink waiting for you eyes to adjust.

"Damn the sun is bright!" Your eyes finally adjust and you see where you are. You are under a large oak tree at the back of Spain's tomato field. Tears spring up into you eyes because this is the spot where you first met Antonio. "Oh Antonio! Thank you!" You turn around and swing your arms around his neck.

"Happy Anniversary." he says, bringing his mouth down on yours. You kiss him back eagerly. He grabs under your thighs lifting you up so you are straddling his waist never breaking the kiss. After a moment he sets you back down. "Lets eat."

You walk over to the blanket and sit down. Antonio sits next to you and open up the basket. He pulls out two bottles of his homemade ice tea, and a bowl. He hands you a bottle of tea. "Yum! This stuff is my favorite." "Of course he knows that, that's why he brought it." He smiles at your reaction happy to make you happy. He opens the bowl to reveal your favorite tomato salad. It's mainly tomatoes, that he grew, some spinach, and chunks of soft mozzarella.

"Aw yes!" you say as he hands you a plate and dishes up some salad. "Gracias," you tell him as you take a bite. He smiles, taking a bite of his own. The two of you eat, and talk, and laugh. When you are finished, he packs up the basket again. The two of you lay on the blanket together, you laying in his arms, looking for shapes in the clouds.

"Look! It's a bunny!" You say pointing to a cloud.

"Look! That one looks like a tomato!" Spain says, making both of you laugh. You turn and look at him, smiling.

"Ti amo," you say, reaching up to kiss him. He kisses back with a fury, twining his hand into your hair. The kiss deepens, and you continue this for a few minutes. You pull back, resting your head against his neck as he wraps his arms around you.

"Ti amo." he says. You close your eyes relaxing against him. You take his hand, twining your fingers with his.


Oh Spain you sweetheart. Well I hope you liked it. I keep saying that I really need a knew phrase but until then. You are stuck with my mediocrity. Oh and BTW Spanish translation. He said "You need to talk in Spanish" and she said, "You know I don't like-" At least I believe I got that right because I didn't use a translator. I'm working through my request list. I'm so proud of myself!

I love you guys and will continue to write as long as I have your support. Thank you so much for that by the way. And um until next time.

Spain: Wait I want to say something!

Me: You already are...

Spain: Oh. Hola!

Me: Oh geez...Say bye.

Spain: Adios! Hasta luego! (see you later)


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