Alone and Hopeless (England)

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**Background. England is a teenager in his punk rock faze. Also I'm using his human name**

You are walking your dog down the street. It's late but for some reason you could'nt sleep. You look up at the sky, the moon is full and bright, although being in the city, the stars are minimal. The air has the classic city smell, not exactly pleasant but not unbearable. You feel your dog, a big white scruffy sheep dog, pull on the leash, and hear a slight whimper. You look down to where the dog is focused, seeing someone slightly stumbling down the street., wearing a black hoodie, black skinny jeans, and converse. A hood mostly covers his head, so you can't tell who it is.

Your dog seems to be able to tell who it is because he barks excitedly, causing the boy to look over and you see his messy blond hair under the hood, emerald green eyes, lip and ear peircings that shine in the light of the streetlight, as do the many rings on his hands. Dark smudge lines stream down his face, showing he had been crying quite hard. Without hesitation, you cross the street and envelop him in a hug. You feel his arms hang loosely at his side, processing what is happening, but soon wraps his arms around you holding on for dear life.

After hugging him gently, you pull away, keeping an arm wrappped around him, looking at his face. In his eyes you see absolute hopelessness and loneliness. Small tears are welled up in the corners of his eyes, threatening to spill over, but he tries to hold them back. You run your fingers under his eyes trying to wipe away the tears, and eyeliner. He just looks at you, not stopping your actions. He has almost a dazed look on his face. You grab his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze and a reassuring smile.

"Come on. We'll go back to my place for some tea." He doesn't resist, still having that dazed look on his face. He goes along willingly, a small grin on his face, tears still threatening to spill.

Arthur POV

Everything was empty, and lost. I didn't even know where I was when I sensed her presence. I looked up and found my guardian angel, her (h/c) hair shining in the glow from the street light. She hadn't noticed me until her dog saw me. One look at my face sent her rushing to my side. I was unable to believe that someone actually cared enough about me at this time. She held me for a moment and I felt not quite so lost.

"Come on," her angel's voice sings to me, beginning to revive me out of my pit of despair. When she starts walking I follow without thinking. If I had let go of her hand I would have been lost again.

Her large sheep dog walks close to my side, as if she also knows of the pain within me. I place my hand on the dogs head, scratching her floppy ears as we walked. It feels good to be able to show affection like this, like I'm able to do something, be of some worth, even if its only providing some comfort to a dog. Lately, everything has been out of my control.

I feel a warm sensation, and realize we are inside now. I look around her apartment, not really registering anything I see, but I instantly feel at home.

"Go ahead and sit. I'll get everything going then come sit with you," she says. She turns and head into the kitchen. I head over to her living room, her dog following close behind me, jumping up on the couch beside me. She lays her dead down on my lap, and I absently scratch her head, feeling her relax into sleep. I watch _____ in the kitchen, wishing sleep came that easily to me.

Your POV

Poor thing. Must be really bad. You glance over your shoulder and see him watching you. You offer him a smile, and he gives you a slight smile, but it doesn't reach his eyes. You turn away to tend to the tea and hear him sigh heavily behind you.

Poor thing, you think again. When the teapot starts screaming you take it off, prepare the tea, and grab a few scones on your way. You sit down next to him, setting the tray down on the table. He latches onto you, his arms wrapped around your waist, his head buried in your neck. You wrap your arms around him, one hand reaching up and stroking his hair, running your fingers through it.

"Thank you," you hear him mumble against your neck.

"For what?" you ask him puzzled. "I haven't done anything yet."

"You've done enough. Just you being here has made all the difference," he says almost in a daze. You're eyes widen, slowly beginning to feel the impact your presence has on him.

"What happened?"

Arthur POV

All the painful memories came flooding in though I try to stop them. All of the horrible things that have been done to me. Every word, smirk, trick, or wound that had been inflicted on me. I freeze, trying not to let these things make me shut down. I can feel my own breath being pushed against her neck and back at my face.

"Everything's h-horrible. Nobody believes me. Nobody likes me. They go out of their way to make my life a living hell. They think I'm crazy. And to make this shit pile of my life worse my only friend abandoned me-" I broke off, hiccupping.


I hesitate, "Y-you'll only think I'm c-crazy."

She patted my head gently, "No I won't. You can trust me."

"F-flying m-mint b-bunny."

"Who's that?"

"She's a small green, flying, bunny. Now is that part where you laugh and call me crazy, and a liar." I say expecting the worst.

"I know Flying Mint Bunny." She's says, but I'm sure she's just making fun of me.

"Yea, sure."

"No really. She used to play with me as a child, but I haven't seen her since I was little."

Your POV

You could tell from the look on his face that he didn't believe you for a second.

"I'm serious. Why would I lie to you?"

He looks at you for a moment, then without with warning, lunges at you kissing you hard on the mouth. You are too stunned to respond for a moment, but it soon wears off and you kiss him back.  

"I love you," he says, kissing you again.


"I love you," he says, as if he's talking about the weather, but he means it.


"You're the first person who really understands me let alone believes me."

"I....I love you too," You didn't say just because he did. You really truly felt that way. You hugged him tight, kissing him lightly. All of the drama could be dealt with later. For now you enjoyed just making him happy.

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