Sunflowers (Russia)

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"Ugh!" you groan as you stretch your arms over your head, trying to work out the kinks in your back. You twist your neck from side to side trying to subdue the ache that has been there since lunch. It doesn't do much so you decide to turn to medicated relief. Popping a few ibuprofen, grabbing that book that you are just so close to finishing, and heading to your favorite corner of the couch. After propping your favorite pillow under your arm you start reading. A few chapters later, you feel your eyes start to droop and you have been reading the same page for 20 minutes. 

"Alright, we're done." you say stretching again. You look at the clock, and it reads 12:34. "Oh my god it's been over three hours!" You grab a glass from the cabinet and turn the cold water on. You wait for the water to get cold enough. It's eerily quiet in your house. That's when you realize that the dog is probably still in the backyard. Yoi'd let him out before your started reading but he usually comes back in on his own. You fill up the glass and turn off the faucet. 

"Cammie! Come on baby!" The old dog slowly lifts its head to look at you. "Come on. Bedtime!" You try to coax the dog inside. It takes him a minute because he has reached the age where you are just waiting for him to die (not in a mean way). He's ancient at 20 years old. Nearly as old as you are at 23. Once he reaches the door, you pat him on the his knobby head and say, "Come on old man." Once Cammie is curled up on his bed, you get into bed yourself. 

You walk through a field of sunflowers, not having any idea why you are, but not really caring at the same time. The sun shines stronglly against your skin and you smile. You turn your face toward the sky and twirl like a kid. You hear a laugh and stop, looking around. No one is there. You shake your head and continue walking, not really sure where you are going. 

Your alarm clock buzzing wakes you up with a jolt. After turning the alarm off you lie there for a minute trying to fully wake up. You check your phone and nothing has come up while you were alseep. "For once," you think. Then you remember that you don't have any classes today and your mood instantly lightens. Instead of going back to sleep like you would love to do, you decide to use the extra time. You start by taking a nice long shower, and actually doing your hair. Then you eat breakfast slowly. You start to remember the dream you had last night. 

"I wonder what that was about..."

After repeatedly having that dream over the next couple of days something strange happens. One day while you were at a local restaurant for lunch between classes you heard the laugh from your dream. At first you think you are just hearing things. Then you hear it again and look around and find its source. A very blond almost white haired man wearing a long coat and a scarf. "It's not even cold outside," You think. Almost as if you called his name, the man look directly at you. You look down at your lap, feeling hot and when you look up, he's gone. 

For the next week, it seemed like you see him everywhere. At the library, at the grocery store, even outside the nursing home where you worked. At that point it feels like you are being stalked. One day at the same restaurant where you first saw him, you decide to find out more about him. He is sitting alone. "Perfect." 

You stand across from him and clear your throat, taking his attention away from the book he is reading. He raises his eyebrows slightly, but doesn't say anything. "Um...Is anyone sitting here?" He lightly shakes his head and you motion towards the chair as if to say 'May I?' He simply nods his head and looks down at his book. 

"Alright. Let's just cut to the chase here. Um...It seems like....for the past week I feel like I am seeing you everywhere, and it's starting to freak me out." He looks at you just like you would expect, like you are a raging lunatic. "Uh...Let's start over. Hi I'm _____" You halfheartedly extend out your hand and to your surprise he reaches out and shakes it. 

"Ivan." He says with a prominent Russian accent. It's there, but it isn't cheesy like you would expect that accent to be. It was genuine. And your heart flutteres at it. 

"So like I said...I've been seeing you everywhere and I just-" you dont know how to finish because you dont know how you feel. 

"I'm not stalking you if that's what you think." He said nonchalantly. You shake your head, "No thats not what I think at all. I just- I dont know what I'm doing. Just forget it. Forget that this happened." You stand up from the table and start to walk away but he grabs your wrist. "His arms are so long! He's barely reaching!"  

"Why don't we get to know each other. Then you will not be so freaked out when you see me "everywhere"," he actually did the air quotes. You dont know why but you shake your head yes, exchange numbers, and walk away. 

"What just happened?" 

A week later

"I can't believe this. I really just cannot believe this," you say, talking to yourself. You are walking toward that same restaurant that you first met Ivan. The two of you are meeting up for a date. "Oh wow. How did this happen?" You know how it happened. You guys were talking, and you kept seeing each other around the school and around town. He's really sweet, but reserved. Ivan is standing outside the restaurant, waiting for you. You smile and wave as you walk up and he smiles and waves back. 

"Hey." you say

"Hi." he says. Then there is some semi-awkward silence, both of you just kind of shuffling you feet and looking around. "Come with me." He takes your hand and leads you to his car.

You drive through the countryside, dazzlingly large spaces of different crops and plants. You pass large expanses of forest. Ivan pulls into a parking lot outside one of these forests. You walk down one of the paths, commenting on how the leaves were just starting to change. There is a break in the trees and beyond it was a magnificent field of sunflowers. You rush toward the field. You walk into the middle of the field the sunflowers above your head in some places, shoulder height in others. You turn your face toward the sun, feeling its heat radiate into you like a strong embrace. You twirl around with your arms out, like a kid. Ivan laughs slighty behind you, and you freeze. 

The deja vu hits you like a ton of bricks. "What?" Ivan asks. You blink a few times, and take a deep breath before you look at him. "Just some deja vu. I had a dream of this exact situation once."

"That means fate has brought us together." He takes you hand and pulls you in. He places a sunflower behind you ear, before pulling you in for a kiss. Just a light, sweet kiss, but it makes so happy you just might burst. You would always thank fate for the dream that brought you two together.

This was another story that I've had half written for a while so im happy I got it done! Thank you for requesting this story i had a great time writing it! I hope you enjoyed! Lots of love<3!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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