Chapter 1

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Alec genuinely has nothing left in his mushed up mantecore brain, I thought they were meant to design us to be the best we could be. Alec clearly isn't strong in the not being annoying field, but I guess that wasn't part of training.

We've been camped out in the abandoned shed in Halstone , about 3 miles from the mantecore periphery. It should be far enough away for now, but with the enemy on the prowl , no night is safe, not even for an X5.

I still can't believe that I have to team up with Alec, he's such a dipshit! I mean he's saved my life a couple times... but I've done that for him too, like when he got himself caught and put up in a cage like a bird. At Least my capture wasn't as embarrassing as that.

But even though Alec tries to annoy me in every single way, he is able to take my mind off Logan, which is certainly a bonus. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to distance myself from him, like I want to see him but don't, it's so confusing. The less I see of Logan, the more I see of Alec. Despite his horrendous humour and irritating personality, he isn't exactly ugly. Like original Cindy said " they sure know how to make them pretty". Like mantecore has something to do with it.

But I can't let him find any weakness in me, he jumps on any weakness he finds, to prove himself. Besides I don't even know how he'd react, but he does seem in need of some female attention, he's acting like a wild dog.

"Woah my bad didn't mean to make you jump maxy"

" oh give it a rest, who wouldn't jump if someone clobbered through the door when they're hiding?"

"You're meant to be a soldierrr" he half says half sings. See what I mean...annoying

"Pipe down Alec, where've you been anyway?"

"You know just moseying about" Alec says in a casual tone

"There's people out there Alec, you know this!" I exclaim, he never listens.

"I know , I saw them"

Right, who has he seen?, there's so many people out to get us to take us back to
mantecore, and to make matters worse they especially want me!


"Just lydecker"

"JUST LYDECKER?, JUST LYDECKER!" I shout, trying to contain my anger,
"you know he's on our side, why didn't you get his attention?"

"I thought you'd do that" Alec grins

"Fine, I will"

Alec mutters under his breath , " I hope in a certain way"

"Haha funny joke ... COME ON!"

So what's Alec's deal?, is he just a man in heat or does he actually like me?, it made me do questionable things , so it may be similar for him? We need to get Lydecker's attention, as he holds the most information about mantecore, because he was one of the founders. Not only does he know the whole downlow, but he has had a perspective of what the agents and their team have been trying to source. And unfortunately it's me.

Clouded vision (Max + Alec) dark angel FFWhere stories live. Discover now