Chapter 3

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We drew closer, with the wood parting, exposure was becoming more of a risk.
Alec whispers
"This doesn't seem right Max, maybe we should be cautious"

I nod in agreement, lydecker has changed his ways before, which means he can most certainly do it again.

Alec rests his hand on my shoulder as we make our way closer to him.Then suddenly, a gun cocks. Lydecker isn't alone.

"DONT MOVE" shouts a man

"not a muscle, X5-452" says lydecker calmly and cunningly

"Nor one from you X5-494" he spits at alec.

I hate being referred to as my barcode, my name is Max and always will be.

"ITS MAX" I shout back, knowing lydecker wanted to get a rise out of me.

"Well it doesn't matter now...max, you're both being taken in, out of the world you don't belong in, you shouldn't have this freedom.

Lydecker had pulled a full circle moment, he made us trust him, I felt like he was touched by the death of other X5s. Why has he changed again? We escaped 7 years ago, and he thinks we haven't adapted to this world?, I prefer this world over whatever world he created for us back in mantecore.


"I'd like to see you try" he mumbles as an entire squadron surrounds both me and Alec. All pointing guns directly at us. Our perfect soldier strengths aren't much of a match against this many men with guns. I wish I never trusted him again, what was I thinking?

Lydecker strolls over, his ego higher than the space station.

"You'll both be coming with me..."

Clouded vision (Max + Alec) dark angel FFWhere stories live. Discover now