Chapter 4

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Where am I?

My head is throbbing with the most agonising pain imaginable, my entire body feels limp and numb. I've been drugged. However I feel warm, quite cosy. Lydecker wouldn't have made the capture location a 5 star hotel...would he?

I open my eyes, having to rub them clear of the haze that coated them. Then I realise. I'm laying on a mattress, in a cell, next to Alec. No wonder I'm warm, his arm was draped over my waist hugging me slightly. Is he drugged too? Or was he doing this voluntarily?

"Max?" He asks in a drowsy manner

Yep, he's certainly drugged too.

"Yes?" I reply in quite a similarly tired tone

"Where are we?" He asks, as if I know where we are

"Well currently we are in a bed together"

He jolts up like a lightning bolt, removing the only source of warmth I had. I turn around and see him looking shook to his core, there was so many thoughts going on in his head I could practically see steam coming off of his scalp.

"How did this happen?" He questions, we were in the woods a couple seconds ago, and now you're telling me we are in bed together? What a day!

His mood changes from drowsy to excited, in some ways he seemed proud! This man needs to get himself together, it's not like we voluntarily got in bed together. I mean it would possibly have been a nicer experience than being drugged into it, but either way it's some form of romance i guess?

We both arise from the mattress, to discover our new location. A cramped cell, with a mattress the size of the floor. Come on lydecker , you had enough money to form transgenic children the least you could do was give us a slightly more roomy cell.

"RING RING...ANNOUNCEMENT : "X5-452 and X5-494, you may be wondering why you're trapped together...well...we need you to have children" The tannoy shuts off

"WHAT! , CHILDREN?" He must be mad if he thinks I'm gonna let Alec anywhere near me...yet. AND I would rather do it anywhere but here, you never know who's lurking around, anyway it's Alec, he's permanently on my nerves.

"Well, you heard what the man said, orders and order!" He chimes in a cheerful tone

I stare at him in disbelief, is he genuinely taking orders from lydecker? BANG! Alec hits the door as I kick him away from me.

" now that's the only physical contact you and I are going to have for now, so back off"

" woah woah ok maxy , no need to get said yet!" Alec exclaims

"Well, , you'll have to wait and find out"

"Gladly" he says as his smile grows from ear to ear, maybe not being in a cell with him won't be so bad, I might even learn to tolerate his horrendous humour, and annoying habits.

NO MAX , REMEMBER LOGAN! , all of this stress and crazy turn of events has pushed Logan to the back of my mind once again. I feel awful for it , but I can't help but feel like this bio virus is incurable, especially as liedecker has double crossed us again! I know Logan is holding out hope, but I'm not sure how long it will be until my head completely turns to Alec.

Clouded vision (Max + Alec) dark angel FFWhere stories live. Discover now